Chapter 34

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Jadwa's POV🌹
I am woken due to the banging on my door as I lazily wake up and head to the door. I quickly glance as Hadar who always sleeps beside me in his baby crib. He is awake staring at me as he make his little cute baby noises. It's a shock that he's quiet because in a few months he'll be one year and growing up doesn't seem to be his favourite thing to do because of the constant crying due to teeth growing or constant crying due to almost getting injured because of learning how to work. I'm surprised I wasn't woken up by his cried because that's has been my new alarm for sometime now. Maybe he's also getting ready to meet his dad for the first time. That reminds me,meet his dad. "He's going to meet his dad,well we're going to meet his dad." I say to myself as I lazily open the door. I see Jasmine staring as me ,her hands in her waist and she's already dressed. "you aren't even dressed yet" she pointed out the obvious while gawking at me. "So,it's just 12:51pm." I say casuly. "Justtttt.!!! You're meant to be there by 1:30pm. Go to the bathroom now. Go and bath. I'll take Hadar with me and get him ready."she said commanding me like a mother as she quickly walked into my room. She picked Hadar with one hand and used her other hand to pull me into the bathroom as she pushed me know and locked the door with the key. "Take your time,knock three times when you're done." She said making me laugh. This woman never sieze to amaze me. She has just finished ranting about the fact that there is barely anytime left and she is still telling me to take my time . About 25 minutes later I was done and I did as I was told. I knocked on the door three times and it was opened. My clothes were already,laid on the bed for me and Hadar was all dressed up and I think she even fed him because he was playing so much around the room. "You see even Zamir is exited about meeting his dad. You should be too." She said. She's one of the only people that call him that,she and my parents . Every other person calls him Hadar like a normal human being. "What would I do without you?" I asked hugging her tightly . "I know you can't do anything without me but we'll continue this display of love and affection later when you're back. Get ready and cone downstairs. Don't waste time."she ordered as she left the room. I did as I was told trying to be obedient and trying not to freak out at the same time. When I was done,I picked up my phone and bag with Hadar on my other hand while I walked down the stairs. Jasmine wished me goodluck as I went into my car .
   I reached the restaurant and sighted Shahid,he has lost weight a lot and the loss of liveliness in him is very visible in his eyes. The sight makes me feel something in my heart, I don't know what it is but I feel it . I went ahead to walk towards him and immediately he saw me he stood up but didn't move,he kept on staring at me till I reached where he stood. "Hi" I said with a smile as he hugged me tightly then I think he noticed the fact that Hadar was here and I also noticed the fact that we were in the VIP lounge of the restaurant. Just the two of us. He grabbed Hades from me so slowly almost as if he was afraid Hadar would break as he moved on to place kisses all over Hadars face. I sat as I watched in pure admiration not knowing exactly what to say. He played with Hadar for a while to the extent Hadar even started laughing with his which is something Hadars doesn't do unless he really likes you. He then slowly dropped Hadar on his lap and moved on to me. "I'm sorry" he said."I'm sorry for everything,I know sorry won't wile off the memory of all that I've done to you but I just really want you to know how sorry I am. I want us back together badly and I'll fight for us even if you don't love me anymore at least just please hear me out first then make your decisions. I know I'm nobody to just walk in and out of your life anytime I want but trust me,I'm walking in to stay this time around. I can't bare to loose you anymore,even if you end up deciding that you don't want me back it's fine,I'll respect your decision but just please at least allow me to come and see Hadar when ever I can. "he said as he looked down. He looked so ashamed and remorseful. At that point I felt like saying no need for explanations. I want you back,let's kiss and live happily ever after with our son in a mansion full of gold. But I knew I had to handle this in a more realistic way. "I'm all ears,you can speak when you're ready." I said as I gave Hadar some snacks and his tablet to watch cartoon and focused my attention on his dad,Shahid. Ready to make my decision I listened attentively as he started to speak.

An:two updates on one day,it's just coz the book is about to end. One more chapter then the epilogue. After how many years,you all I feel like crying. The tears are prickling Misstimahh

982 words in total

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