Chapter 17.

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Jadwas POV🥰💃🏽
It was exactly 1 month now the wedding and I was still not very happy about the wedding but I had to do everything because I know God lets things happen for a reason and God knows what's best for me and just as I was sitting down with Mama  then she told me that we were having visitors and I was confused because I didn't really know why she would say that because do you it was the wedding time so obviously there will be people in the house though not much people just relatives but seems like this is a special and I went and got ready and I came downstairs and saw some people in the private bungalow which is in the house and it's the only place which wasn't full so I went in and I saw a group of people .I saw someone who looks very family amongst them and before I could speak he called my name "Jadwa" and and I was surprised because I don't know how he knows my name.  ""do you remember me " he said "not really" n I said getting more confused ."it's sad , it's depressing when you plan your life together with a  person you thought you get married to you"he said  just then everything everything came back  to me ,I didn't know what to do I didn't need to be happy or not. "what are you doing here"I said surprise about how my voice was sounding . " I'm here to ask for your hand in marriage" he replied smirking . "I am about to get married someone and I'm sure you know" I said getting frustrated "I don't really care who you about to get married"he said  "the wedding was in two weeks" I said but maybe he thought I was joking because he still went ahead and went mom . So I guess she also had s hand in this, I didn't even know what to do,firstly baba arranged a wedding for me without my consent and now this. I just dragged myself back to the main house , I went to my room, laid down and I was just crying and controllably because I didn't know what to because I was sad I was tired I was angry I couldn't really explain how I was feeling . Just some minutes later a call came in through my phone. I checked the caller id and it was Nusy "how are you" I said immediately I picked up the phone . "I'm  fine and you?" She said "I'm also fine" I said " I heard that you were getting married is it true ?" She asked "yes it's true" I replied "OK then I'll be in Nigeria when is the wedding?" She asked "it's in two weeks "I answered " Ok don't worry, all the best girl I'll be there for you " she's said and I could swear that those few words consoled me. "OK thanks a lot " I replied and the call disconnected. I felt very happy at least I knew someone was there for me  and in the mist of all this I was still wondering ,confused because Jazmine said we would be through everything together but as said God knows best,we plan but he also plans and his plans are the best. My wedding was in two weeks and she wasn't even in Nigeria then that today I knew that's not what everyone said is to be believed because she promised but she wasn't even around and it didn't seem like she was coming back. What a life I'm living,sometimes I wished my life could be taken from me so at least I knew I would Rest In Peace. Since the wedding was declared Shahid has distant himself from me,he's been so rude and aggressive . I don't even know what to do,I know he took me as a sister and this was shocking to him but he also needs to know that I'm also as shocked as him. I'm was also forced into this marriage so I shouldn't be treated like trash. I kept thinking ,thinking of why Zayd is back into my life as I fell asleep coz I haven't been sleeping for some days.

Shahid's POV
I was also getting ready for the wedding it has been really stressful. I promised myself not to get attached any girl after what had transpired in the past between my and Samira ,but now I don't think I can keep that promise I decided that I'm not going to maltreatment her .I'm just going to act like she doesn't exist . I was still surprised my parents did this to me because they know what Samira made me go through. I actually hated Jadwa because I thought of her as a younger sister but I can't believe she'll actually agree to this wedding. I thought she was the one who proposed and my parents gladly agreed but just last week mama called me to talk to me.........

"Ya Shahid mama is calling you " the maid said to  me as I was using my Mac book to do some work. "Ok ,she's in her room right ?" I asked " yes sir" the maid said as I nodded for her to go. "Ina wuni mama"(good day mama) I said as I entered the room. "Lafiya kalau"(fine thanks) she replied. "Tohm" (ok) I replied as I laid down and put my head in her lap. "Shahid I know you don't want this marriage and you have promised yourself not to love since after what conspired between you and Samira and that is why I and your father chose Jadu  for you ,we know she would be able to take care of you" she said "since the incident between you and Samira your bond with your family became weak but I noticed that since Jadwa walked into our lives you have been better,please I want you to take care of her,take her as a good husband and do everything you can to keep her happy,she's a good and kind hearted person. Please do this for us . Dan Allah ,kada ka bamu kunya,na San za ka iya. (Please don't put us to shame ,I know you can handle it) idan kuma tayi maka abun da baka so karka sa ya zama baban magana,kawai ka yafe ta (and if she offends you,don't make it a big deal,,just forgive her) " she said as she smiles and hugged me and I hugged her back.
End of flash back..........

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