Chapter 11.

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🌹💕somewhere in Ottawa Ontario 💕🌹
Jadwa's POV
I was walking to Jazmines side after I met up with Abba, as I was passing I heard something "I'm going to do this,I don't care about the consequences " Jazmine said. "Hey Jazmine " I said as I entered her room startling her. "Ummm hey Manan" she said sounding nervous."what's wrong?" I asked her sitting on her bed beside her. " nothing" she replied simply but still sounding nervous. "Are you sure? Jazzy I know you, you've been distant for a while now" I said holding her hand looking directly into her eyes tryna figure out what's on her mind but all I could see is mixed feelings. "No,it's nothing I've just been very busy lately" she said looking away. "No,Jazzy it's been months now and I over heard you saying you'll do something no matter the consequences " I said trying to look into her eyes again. "You were eavesdropping?" She said like the last thing I said frightened her. "No I wasn't I just over heard, look whatever you do make sure you don't realize when it's too late" I said as I stood up and went out of her side. As I left I called Nusy because she's the only person I feel like talking to now. We spoke for a while and agreed we'll go to Niagara Falls coz its weekend. Before i fell asleep I prayed to God to guide us in whatever we do.

Nana is sleeping so I'm going to meet Jada,I just pray this works. Jada gave me an address and I went there and when I reached the house, the door was open. I entered and someone hit me and everything went black.


I woke up then called Momma and I didn't tell her anything about Jazmine so she won't be worried. I called Nusy and she said she's coming. I got dressed and waited for Nusy.

"It's good she came early, but I'm not going to inseminate her" I said "what are you going to do then?" She asked "I'm going to rape her" I said smirking. "Do what ever you want just don't let her find out it's me that paid you" she said walking away.

There's something going on with Manan but I don't think she wants to tell me because if she did she would have said it long ago. But we're having fun and that's all that really matters.

I woke up with pains all over my body ,I didn't have scared but I could tell I was raped. I don't know why I made this mistake and I'm not going to tell Manan . I wasn't tied up or anything so I gently stood up to leave the house coz it was empty and the door was left open.

Jazmine didn't come back home yesterday I hope she's ok. "Hey" a voice said startling me . I turned back and it was Jazmine. "Hi how are you,thank God you're save " I said then I noticed she was walking in an awkward way. "What's wrong with your legs?" I asked "ummmm nothing,I'm fine" she said. I wasn't planning on pushing it coz this is the first time in months that Jazmine is talking to me this much. The day went fast with me cooking ,watching movies and all.

•3 weeks later•
It's been three weeks since I was raped, I still sit down and wonder who did this to me. Me and jada don't talk much anymore ,is like she's avoiding us. I've been getting sick lately,I don't really know what's wrong with me but I don't want to go to the hospital. Sometimes I wonder why is it that Jada stopped talking to me after I was raped. Nobody knows I was raped ,I didn't tell even Abba. Manan and Abba have getting closer than usual lately but I don't know what to do. School continued as usual .

Jazmine has been distant lately,I spend most of my time with Jadu. I wish we could date but I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. I don't know but I can't keep trading my happiness for others.

Today me and Abba are going to the park for a picnic tomorrow. It's been some weeks since Jazmine got closer to me. She has been getting sick lately and I'm going to make her go to the hospital or I'll go with her. I eat dinner,pray and go to sleep.

I wake up to hear a voice ,I went to the toilet and saw Jazmine on the toilet floor puking her guts out. "Oh my God ,Jazmine are you alright? Hold on let me run you some water so you can bath" I said

After she bathe we went to the hospital but I was told to wait outside. "So,what's wrong " I asked Jazzy as she walked out . "Nothing,just a fever " she said . I knew she was lying but I didn't want to stress it .

The doctor told me I'm 3 weeks pregnant but I'm not going to tell anyone. I don't want to do this anymore, Abba can have Manan.

It's evening and it's time for me to go out with Abba ,Nusy helps me to get dressed in something simple coz we're just going to the park.

We got our things set and sat down. "How have you been? Why has Jazmine been acting weird lately?" He asked as we got settled "I'm fine and Jazmine is sick" I said "oh,wow I never even knew. She keeps avoiding me I don't know why. She doesn't answer my calls ,reply my messages or anything. Even when she passes by and I wave at her she acts as if she didn't see me there" he said worried. "Well I don't really know what her problem is ,she's also acting somehow to me .we went....." I said but I was cut off by a voice. "Hey ,Jadwa it's been long" I was actually somehow scared coz I'm hardly called Jadwa here but I turned and saw the two people I wasn't expecting to see. Adam and Zayn my school mates 😳. "Ummm hey ,how are you guys. Yea it's been a while" I said nervously. When I left Nigeria I planned on leaving everything behind. Every thing and everyone. "We're fine " they said and we were now standing facing each other with Abba just looking at us. "Why are you here. Ummmmm what brought you to Canada?" I'm asked nervously trying not to sound rude. "We came for you Jadu, we love you ........"

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