Chapter 5.

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An:let's continue from where we stopped

Jadwas Pov
I woke up to bright lights in a room. I groaned as I felt sharp pains all over my body. I adjusted my eyes to the light and I heard some voices. I looked up to see Mami and to my surprise Adam Hakim. "Finally the stupid girl has woken up" Adam said glaring at me. "What am I doing here?" I asked no one in particular. "How won't you be here when when if some one sends you, you will be walking around absentminded like a ram" Mami said entering the room with a doctor. "She is okay but she needs to be well fed and also take good care of her." The doctor said.

We went home and all of a sudden Mami became ruder. I have to cook for her self even though I am not fully recovered. I sometimes sit down and cry and my dad is a business man so he doesn't have time. I was in my room crying because my mother will not even buy credit to call or get me data so I only do house chores and that is all. I have graduated some weeks after my accident but and my Waec and Jamb results were nice and I also got admission but Mami refused me from going. "Ke Jadu darling I have been calling you" Mami said and I was wondering why she was suddenly being nice. "Are you hungry coz I made some food, I will bring it to just rest." She said as she dashed out not allowing me to reply. An later came in with a tray full of food ,snacks, drinks ,fruits etc. I ate to my satisfaction and laid down.

I woke up and went to the kitchen to make dinner and wash the dishes though I was not hungry. I saw Mami in the kitchen and I greeted her and she answered then told me to go and sleep she will wake me up to eat. I told her that I wasn't hungry. While I was sleeping I kept on seeing a woman coming closer to me and she looked exactly like Mami.I prayed then went back to sleep.

It's been 3 weeks since Mami started acting all nice. I was about to go and bath then Mami entered with a bag and some clothes in them and a big box with a lot of things in them. A new iPhone 8 plus, a macbook pro and a few other things then she handed me a beautiful dress and told me to go and get dressed. I took my bath and wore it then I snapped with my new phone.

I came out to see all my things packed and Mami said I was leaving for a holiday in my aunties house. I put my phones the new and pls one in my bag as this young handsome boy came to pick me. The road trip was long and I think it was up to 10 hours but I didnt know were I was. The car stopped in front of a beautiful house. "Will you come out or you need me to come and carry you?"the boy said harshly as he came out of the car and slammed the door. I came out and I was handed my boxes and my bag. I was ushered to a sitting room and everything in there screamed money so I say patiently as a woman came and I greeted her and she told a girl to take me to my room. We left the main house and I was dragged into a small room and the girl said "hi I'm Jasmine , I can be your friend. Let me too you the truth, I am sure you were told you are coming for holiday or something but it is a lie. This is a place were people are kept and after sometime that will take you somewhere else and you become a maid" she said and as soon as she finished I could now understand why Mami was being so nice to me. "Thank you Jasmine " I said as I pulled her into a hug. I felt some type of connection between us. "Also if you have a phone don't allow madam see you with it and also do what she says and try and be punctual so you can leave here fast" she said as she brought me some food. This is your food and we will be sharing this room and the toilet is there." She said as she pointed then she looked at me. "Hey don't cry everything will be okay and you will be out of her by next tomorrow by God's grace" she said. "How do you know that? It's not possible coz I just came." I said sobbing louder as she pulled me into a hug. "I have a feeling just pray to God" she said as she left.

I have spent only some hours in this place but it feels like I have spent years. We have been working doing house chores. It was now 1am in the morning and we were told to retire to bed and wake up by 3:30 am prompt. Jasmine came and we talked for some time and she told me about her life while I told her about mine. Through out the night I could not sleep but think of home as I kept praying. It was 3:15am and I didn't sleep at all. I went to bath and I dressed up as I woke Jasmine up. As she went to the bathroom I took my phone looking at the picture I snapped before I came here and I started crying again

It  was time and we got dressed and left the room and as soon as we went to the main house we are off to work with some people insulting each other and arguing every now and then

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It was time and we got dressed and left the room and as soon as we went to the main house we are off to work with some people insulting each other and arguing every now and then. In the middle of work, Madame called me and told me to go and pack then rest as I will be leaving the next day. I went and packed and I slept for some hours till Jasmine woke me up to eat then I told her every thing and she gave me something's so I could remember her and she prayed for my well being and I gave her my number. We slept for the day and I woke up early and showered and got dressed.
I couldn't help but feel jitters and excitement. I got in the car as i was still excited with all my things in the car we were about to set off when Jasmine came and hugged me then she whispered. "Never forget me. This is the beginning, a new beginning and with that she left.

An:I want to show y'all the picture of the dress she is wearing but my wattpad has a probelm so I will put it in the beginning of the next chappie. I want eleven chaptera for book one so seven more to go I think but I might increase it.
Thank y'all ❤❤❤❤
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