Chapter 8.

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I woke up ,prayed and decided to go and greet my parents and everyone in the house. I left my room and went downstairs where I met the family sitting down chatting. "Hola amigõş" I said. "Morning mama, morning papa" I added. "Morning Nana" they all chorused. "Morning Seniorita❤" said a hot looking boy. I think he should be about a year older than me. "Morning" I said as I went to the kitchen. I made pancakes,sandwiches, waffles,eggs,bacon and toast with banana smoothie,mango smoothie and strawberry smoothie. They all came to the dining and the hot guy sat across me while they talked about everything and nothing. He kept on looking at me every now and then. We finished eating and I cleared the table and went to shower as i wore a dark blue trousers,wine shirt and a black kimono and I put on a veil coz I felt my hair was scattered and I wanted to go out. I want downstairs me and Jazmine are going to the shopping mall. I got some money from dad and the driver took us there. We bought a lot of things then went to cold stone then later went to kfc. When we were going out I bumped into a figure and I raised my head to see the boy. "Ummm sorry." I said. "It's ok. By the way I'm Shaurya" he said. "Oh I'm Manan" nice to see you. I said . "My pleasure. Can I have your number?" He asked "ok" I said and I gave him my number. I kept walking as I bumped into another person and I raised my head to see a boy. I think about the age of my brother. "Oh. Umm sor ......" I was interrupted "Oh my God. What a stupid girl. She is so retarded......" he was about to continue when I cut him off. "Hey I only apologised coz it was kinda my fault. Quit cursing at me and go and learn manners" and with that I walked away. "Why didn't you tell Shaurya that." Jasmine asked with a smirk. "What?" I asked "all that bravery and all that" she said "coz he understood it was a mistake " I said. "Are you sure " she asked raising an eyebrow at me "yes I am now quit disturbing me" I said as I continued using my phone. " we got home and ate lunch and later on we took a walk outside. "Wassup" I heard a voice say behind me and I turned and saw Shaurya. "Nothing much" I said as he joined us and we walked around the estate together. I home and we ate dinner. "Nana, you gained admission and you will be leaving in three months time." Baba said. "Yes Manan we got you and Jazmine a house there coz she also gained admission. You will stay in the same house and we got you each new cars. Just tell me how you want your sides to be furnished. Coz each of you have different sides " Mama added. "Oh my God. Thank you mama. Thank you so much."I said "It's ok" they said. We ate dinner and retired to our rooms and I was sitting when my phone rang. "Hello" I said into the phone. "Hey it's Shaurya." The other voice said. That night we talked about everything and nothing. He told me how he lives with his parents and I know the estate is a family estate so I asked how and he said that our parents are bestfriends and that he came that day to give a dinner invitation in which his parents had sent him to bring. "Rayie are you sleepy?" He asked. Wait did he just call me Rayie meaning priceless?😮. "No, Also Rayie?" I asked. "Yea. You are priceless,rare and unlike the other girls I know." He said making me blush. "Ok what nickname should I give you?" I asked"I dunno" he said "Habib,hayati or what?" I asked "anything you want habibti" he said. We talked about everything and nothing and I finally fell asleep thinking about family,school,life,mr charming or was it mr arrogant?"

An:I know it's short and I also don't update and I'm very sorry guys i have been been busy. Also I need y'all to do the three
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Love y'all and I will try and update more.
This chappie was altogether a total of 752 words😄

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