Chapter 33

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Shahid's POV🥰
I bade Jasmine goodbye as I went to meet up with Nusayba. I decided with Jasmine that I'll record our conversation and send it to her. I was really happy that she was nice enough to help with Jadwa and now all I do is pray that Jadwa would actually forgive me. I drove quickly back to the house,the house I bought for Nusayba because after all that has been going on I couldn't bare to be in the same house that Jadwa and I stayed after our wedding. "Shahid" Nusayba said looking very worried as she rushed to me while I stood at the front door. She looked so tired and helpless,her eyes puffy and her hair scattered. I think she has been crying . "I'm sorry for everything I have done,I'm sorry for ruining your marriage. I'm sorry for lying to you about the death of your son . I'm sorry for drugging you. I'm really sorry ."she said still subbing. "Promise it wasnt my fault."she said again kneeling down in front of me. At this moment I couldn't even speak I was very perplexed about what was happening "what do you mean?" I asked. I just found out that I have a an obsessive disorder. The obsessive disorder makes me obsessed with someone with the facade of me loving them and that was why I kept on trying to make your life miserable and trying to make you mine and I just found out today that the person I was working with have been using it against me." She explained. "Who's that?" I asked desperate to find out who she was talking about I had a feeling it was shauriya. "It's shauriya,one of Jadwa's cousin. His parents took care of me till they died and he started paying my bills and giving me money like an older brother would. I then started telling him of how I love you and everything he then told me that he also loves Jadwa and that if I would agree to work together with him then we could both device a plan to make Jadwa fall in love with him and you fall in love with me. Blindly I obeyed him till when I got tired of him always being bossy and self centred. I then decided to talk to him about it and he was rude and even tried getting violent with me and then he told me about the disorder and how he decided to keep it away from my knowledge well till today."she narrated. "To be honest I don't know what to tell you cos I also have a lot going on. I knew about the blue powder about a week ago. " I said "I know,it's not like I expect you to give me a price for ruining your life because of my own stupidity and naiveness or clap for me." She said now sitting on the floor. She looked so helpless,I've never seen Nusayba look like that in my entire life of knowing her. "The only advice I can give you now is for you to go and apologize,find jadwa and apologize to her. Explain all this to her because amongst the three of us it's her you hurt the most. Try and meet up with her and apologize. God's willing she'll forgive you." I said .
    I sent the recording of the conversation to Jasmine and went for a shower. Immediately after that I went to sleep.

Jadwa's POV🌺
Immediately Jasmine came back home she came running to me . I quickly rounded up my call with Aditya and Aliyah. "Girllllll go and get ready you're going to meet up with Shahid tomorrow." She said all excited and this Reay got me confused because this is the same person that was almost threatening to end Shahid's life so what's making her so happy. "Are you ok?" I asked bothered. "What do you mean by am I ok. I come to you with very pleasant news and you're asking me such a stupid question." She said hissing. "Why are you so happy all of a sudden or has he bewitched you so when I'm going tomorrow I'll go with my holy water to cast and bind?" I asked laughing. It was very funny that Jasmine is the one getting pissed off because I'm making jokes about Shahid. "What did he tell you that has made you change your mind about killing him or did you have an accident on the road that has affected your brain perhaps?" I asked against still in shock. "It's no accident or witch craft ,I just had a very good conversation with him. It's actually true that dialogue can resolve conflicts so tomorrow both of you will also have your own dialogue." She said when she finally decided to talk. " I wish I could tell you all that he told me but it will be better if you hear it from him by himself. Also don't forget to get Hadar ready,he's also going with you. I'll fix you all a lunch date at a very romantic restaurant so you both better solve your problems there because I can't just buy both of you lunch in such an expensive restaurant for free." She said as she dashed towards the stairs. "No on ever asked you to pay for our luck to begin with." I said loud enough for her to hear. "Don't make me change my mind ." She said as she turned back to look at me then continue walking on the stairs so casually like a queen of some sort. All this made me so amused as I braced up and prepared myself mentally for what's going to happen tomorrow.

An: heyyyo,it's Favour. I didn't forget you all. I've been busy in school and I'm writing a new book. Actually my first mafia book and it doesn't even have a name yet and I'm in like chapter 11 or so. I am sorry for not updating. Two more chapters left till the end of Jadwa's story I think so yea. Get ready. It's coming to an end then I'll probably go back to updating unexpected or the new mafia book that's if I finally get a name for it. Sorry or mistakes and grammatical errors. Stay safe,sat cares ♥️.

1073 words in total

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