Chapter 13.

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Recap: "yaya where is Abba?" I asked and he stammered. Yaya never stammers

"He wants to talk to you,he's in his room." He said as I stood up in shock because my dad hardly calls me to to his room,I went and knocked. "Shalom" I said "shalom" he replied as I entered his room and sat on the floor in front of him ,then I noticed my mum was also in the room. "Look, Jadwa I know you've come a long way in Canada and this may not be happy with this" Mama said making me more confused. "I and your Mum have decided that you'll move back to Abuja so we can have you under us and since you'll be finishing university soon,you'll decide what typa work you want to do apart from the course you're studying and we'll help you and support you in every way we can and Jazmine too. But most especially you,you know you're our only girl and our auta,your brother has gotten married long ago and has given us our grandchildren,but we'll like to see our grand children from you before we die." He said "tohm baba what ever you say is the best" I said smiling "thank you my child,we'll email your school and you'll start the procedures " he said smiling . "Ok,ummm but what school will I be attending in Abuja?" I ask "Nile university " mama said and after that ,I hugged them both and as I was about to leave when baba said "also Aditya and his wife are moving to Belfast in North Ireland" baba said (Belfast is a really cool place to be honest tho I've never been there but I hope to go there in the future 😂😂 let's go back to the story) I go to my room thinking and Jazmine came inside saying she needs to talk to me. "Look,I'm pregnant " she says as she explains everything that has been happening and she kept crying ,I told her everything would be ok but I wasn't sure I myself and she made me promise not to tell anybody else in the house. I left her sleeping and I went to shower then decided to get some sleep myself.

Major Time Skip🙄‼️
(I would have made the time skip in another chapter but let's talk it all at once ,there are a lot of surprises,also the things is since Jadwa will be in Nigeria like permanently ,she won't be called Manan again)

Jadwas POV🤸🏽‍♂️‼️

Time has really passed a lot,with my brother going to Belfast with his family,with Jazmines pregnancy now noticeable,during this time Jazmine told my parents and after much scolding they told her they'll support her well and we should learn from our mistakes. I chose fashion designing because when I was with Mami(the first woman who claimed to be my mum) I learnt tailoring so I have a very big idea on that. Mum and dad also got my a shop and now I own a well known fashion designing company and I also partner with Nike,adidas,fashion nova,,Zara and much more. I am in my room getting ready for school. And when I'm done I drive to school after stopping at the dining table to take breakfast and hugging my parents. When I reached school I realized I was late to class and I walked as fast as I could to go to class. Then mistakenly I bumped to something,no a someone. "Sorry" I say as I pick my books from the floor. "Sorry,what's your name?" He said "I'm Jadwa and you?" I say "I'm Nahmir" he said "wow ,that's a unique name" I said "yea it's a nickname ,I'll let you go to class now,you seem late" he said and as I entered class the lecturer also came. After lectures I went home but before then I bought Amala and ewedu soup (this is why I love Nigeria) . As I was going up the stairs then my stew oil poured a bit on the stairs and I decided to go and drop it before I clean the stairs, just as I dropped it I heard a loud thud and screaming . As I left my room I found my parents panicking at the stairs and Jazmine ,laying lifeless lay in a pool of blood. I felt so numb,I couldn't move and then the gate man quickly came to help us . He helped us to get her to the car as I drove as quick as I could to the hospital. The doctor quickly took her to the emergency ward. I stayed there unable to move knowing I am the cause of all this, I played some music to calm me down
It's you- Ali Gatie
What if I told you- Ali Gatie
Surrender-Natalie Taylor
Without me -Halsey
The thoughts of me, Abba,Nussy and my life as a whole so far, from how I suffered with Mami ,to when I was sold,to when I met my actual family ,to when I left Nigeria to Canada,to when I came back, to this very minute. I thought of something as the last song on my play list memories by Maroon 5 played. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder bringing me back to earth. "You should go home,it's late already ,I'll sleep here ,make sure your dad eats well and also get some sleep" my mum said and then I realized I've been staring at nothing for the past 5 hours. "No mum you and dad should go ,I'll be ok,I don't have classes tomorrow,I have only evening lectures " I said to my mum "ok then,go to the hospital cafeteria and get something to eat before you go to sleep "she said as she walked away and later left with my dad. I decided to walk a little to clear my mind. I kept walking and walking not knowing where exactly I was going to and then I felt a tap on my shoulder..................

Cliff hanger 🌸
An: what do you think,I never thought it'll end with Jazmine in the hospital,I can't wait for the next chapter. What's your favorite song🙂‼️,what songs do you listen to when you're sad? Well we'll find out who tapped her in the next chapter. Please vote and comment let's communicate.
Thank you💃🏽🌚
Stay safe🤸🏽‍♂️

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