Chapter 35

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Jadwa's POV🍁

By the time he was done talking I was already in tears,I couldn't believe this. He explained to me how Nusayba teamed up with Shauriya and it was all a scam. Shauriya was scamming her and if Nusayba didn't find out this soon Shahid would have been dead by now. I look up to find him already staring at me with a sleeping Hadar on his arms. "I ...I don't know what to say." I said stuttering a bit. He just kept looking at me not saying anything. It was almost as if he couldn't speak anymore for a while hour but it was just a minute. "You don't have to say anything. I don't expect you to say anything damn I don't even expect you to believe me at this moment but I'm going to give our as much time as yo......" He was saying but I shocked both of us by capturing his lips on mine. It was slow and passionate. I could feel the butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I didn't know what was happening till we finally pulled apart to catch our breath and I could feel the salty taste on my lips. He was crying and small Hadar was staring at us smiling as if he had any idea of what was happening.  " So what's gonna happen now?" I asked with a smile. " I don't know that's your choice,it's your decision." He said making me smile wider. "Lets go home" I said standing up after a while of both of us staring at each other. I slowly got up reaching to pick up Hadar from his hand when I noticed he was still staring at me. "Common,let's go" I said making him finally get up. We walked out of the place hand in hand as he walked towards his car. I then released my hand from his to go to my car. "No,leave it. Someone will bring it home for you ." He said as he dragged my hand and opened the door for me to get in with Shahid blabbering his baby sounds. He got into his side of the car and made a quick call. All I could do was stare at him. He had eye bags,and a bit of a stuble that wasn't neat at all.  He was still on the call when I rose my hand and slowly trailed the trail of bread he has. His eyes dilated making me giggle as he quickly ended his call. "Your keys" he said after starting the car. I reached into my bag and pulled out my key and handed it to him. He stopped the car the gave someone he key through the window. After a while I noticed we were entering a very large estate  he them parked in one of the houses waiting for the gate to open and yes it was an automated gate. He drove in and parked the car. He was about to come out and open my door when I put my hand on his stopping him "where's this?" I asked him eyeing the house through my lashes making him chuckle. "It's home,I invested my time building this house for us with all your favourite colours and favourite things with the hope that one day you would come back to me especially after Abba died and I knew you were all I have left." He said now holding my hand. "What if I never came back?" I asked with my tears prickling . "Then I would have stayed here all my life till I died because this is home,where my heart lies with you." He said

Quick summary Abba is Shahid's dad,his mum wasn't in support of him getting married to me but she couldn't disobey her husband so she acted like all was well but immediately we got married she cut off all ties with both of us. Abba was already really sick so there wasn't much he could do about it and now sadly he's gone .

He took my hand after opening my door. We slowly entered the house and i stopped at my tracks before entering through the big french doors . "Common,let's go" he said "shalom" I whispered before stepping into the house. (Shalom is peace in Hebrew) I walked behind him with sleeping Hadar in my arms. All the boy does is eat,play and go back to sleep . He fell asleep in the car. "Sannu ku da zuwa" a not too elderly woman who seemed to be in her late 50's greeted. "Sannu mama laraba" Shahid  answered her but I couldn't even talk. "Jadwa this is Mama Laraba the house keeper " he introduced as I bent to greet her and she pulled me in to a motherly hug.  "I've always waited for this day my daughter and you're way prettier in person" she said releasing me and lookin at me for a while "Sai goben Ku" she said as she headed towards the door. We went upstairs as  Shahid explained that after Abba's sickness got worse she was the one who took care of him like his own mother. We went into one of the rooms and he left me to freshen up. I laid sleeping Shahid on the bed as I went to the toilet and did my routine and surprisingly all my body and hair products were there. "Skin by zaron,he still remembered " I mumured to myself coming out of the toilet then I noticed Hadar was no longer there. I went into the closet in nothing but I towel trying to look for something to wear. This whole room was painted and designed in grey,black,pink and midnight blue. A clear combination of both Shahid and I. I went into the closet and found new clothes arranged in there. Surprisingly all the clothes seemed to be my size. "Shahid" I said turning quickly making me bump into his hard chest also making my towel loosen of me slightly. I heard Shahid's breath hitch as he cleared his throat making me quickly adjust my towel which still stopped just mid thigh. "Who's clothes are this?" I asked slightly stepping back making me to immediately miss the warmth of his body. "It's all yours although some of mine are in here" he said furrowing his eyebrows. I then noticed he was now in grey shorts and a tight white shirt. He has now shaved and looked much more impossibly handsome. " I got them for you incase you ever came back." He said making me noticed that I've been checking him out for the past minutes. I shyly blushed as I cheekily turned away from him. "some of your clothes are in my room though. I also got the ones from your house." He said leaving me there while chuckling .  I decided to still wear his clothes coz I don't even know why he bothered buying this much clothes when no matter what he knows that as long as we're together I'm going to still wear his clothes . I wore some of my shorts and his shirt that still had his clonge on it. I went out and saw a sleeping Hadar on the bed with a small pout on his lips. He was not dressed in an overall nightie probably by his dad. I shook my head going down stairs thanking God for this new chapter of my life.

An: hey guys, yea I finally updated. I'm sorry I've been busy trying to sign a contract with my new book which I still haven't been able to do.  Please read,vote and comment. Thanks

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