Chapter 30

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Shahid's POV
I walk back into the house in a rush as Nusayba called me in tears telling me that something bad had happened to Jadwa. Nusayba is one of the girls that were in my past. We had a past together and she was the last one before I got married so when I heard she was going to be helping Jadwa, I was really uncomfortable but I didn't want Jadwa to know. Nusayba is the reason I gave up on love before I met Jadwa.

It was some days before our wedding,about less than a week to my wedding to the love of my life after all we have been through. I was meant to meet up with her for the pre-marital pics, the wedding was going to be so grand that we had forgotten to take the pre-marital pics cause of all the preparations. I called the love of my life Nusayba but her phone was switched off so I decided to go and pick her up from her house cause she lived alone due to the wedding preparations and how full her house was,she decided to rent a house. I walked into the house and the door was unlocked which meant she was around and I entered the house and heard sounds coming from her room but what I heard when I got to her room broke my heart I saw her making out with Suleiman my bestfriend. When she noticed my presence she didn't try to deny it. Instead she kicked me out of her house and called off the wedding and since then I gave up on love.
end of flashback.....

We were now at the hospital and I was worried so as everyone else. "Nusayba what happened to her?" I asked at the verge of tears and she proceeded to hug me, at first I hesitated but then I decided to hug her back and I found peace of mind. She then freed me and looked at me innocently "I don't know I was cooking when I went to tell her lunch is ready and I saw her in a pool of blood, I think she was walking downstairs by herself after you have warned her not to,she's very stubborn and it's because of her stubbornness that this happened." She said as tears streamed down her face. I hugged her and calmed her down. I was brought out of my trance when the doctor came out. "Who's the husband of Mrs Jadwa Shahid?" He asked. "I'm the husband" I said and then the doctor then took me to his office. "How are they doctor?" I said. "Unfortunately the child died,she fell very hard and it really affected the child but she's ok though for now she is weak." The doctor explained as tears streamed down my face. "When can I see her" I said trying to be strong. "You can see her right now " he said as he led me to the room. They were all in the room already but when I got in they all left. "How are you?" I asked quietly when they all left. "I'm fine but he's gone,he's dead" she said in tears. "No you killed him,it was all because of you." I said,even I was shocked at how I exploded. "What do you mean it's because of me, it was Nusayba she pu....." she tried to explain but I shut her up. "Nusayba did nothing,if not for her you would have also been dead by now" I said and by now she was sobbing really loudly. "I will send your things to your parents house, I don't want a killer in my house,don't worry I'll be fine Nusayba would cook for me and do all the house chores. " I said as I proceeded to leave the room and she was still sobbing really loudly. I felt bad but I didn't want to stop what I was doing, I knew it was wrong but it felt so right. I walked out and told Nusayba to get ready so we could go back home, at first she looked confused but then she proceeded to follow behind me.

Jadwa's POV
I was in great shock, I knew this is not my husband,somebody has done something to him and I had a feeling that my baby was still alive though I don't know why I felt that way. My eyes were now bloodshot red from all the crying I did, I don't even know which hurt more. Nusayba's betrayal, my husbands outburst of my child's death. I bursted out in tears again as momma tried consoling me,they had all heard what he told me and for some reason his parents where not doing anything about it though they knew it was wrong and when they saw him leave with Nusayba they all tensed up,it seems like there's a secret behind all this. I just couldn't stop the tears from flowing as they all try to comfort me even ya Aditia and his wife called to sympathize as they were caught up with work. "Momma he said I killed him but it was not me,wallahi it was Nusayba she pushed me off the stairs and she was even smirking when I fell. I left the room coz I was looking for her so she could take me to my usual evening walk in the garden but she wasn't there and I felt someone behind me,when I landed she was the first person I saw and she was smirking." I explained still sobbing and imran shahid's bestfriend and cousin came and asked everyone else to leave and what he told me after they had left me in distress and shock.

Authors note: hey beautiful people,Jadwa's Story is coming to an end,y'all should read unexpected,it's really nice and to me it's way nicer than Jadwa's Story. Thanks for 15k. If you want a shout out, dm me or vote and comment. Follow me on Instagram on Mealanin_plug and for more info on Jadwa's Story and expect the weekly questions. Shout out to @Imaan_gee and @hamxee .

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