Chapter 26.

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Previously on Jadwa's Story:"Jadwa stop lying to mummy tell her the truth" shahid said and that was when I lost it. I just stood up and said a quick bye to mummy then went out to wait for shahid in the car but while I was waiting..........

Jadwa's POV 🦋
I saw someone I never thought I'll see again in my life "Jadwa?" He called out. "Shauriya?" I asked surprised. "Yea,how are you?" he asked "I'm fine thank you and you?" I answered. "You're now married right?"he asked but before I could answer another person did "yes she's married now" shahid said hugging me from behind. "Umm ok,have a happy married life" shauriya said "thank you" I said and smiled sincerely. We got into the car and went home but non of us said anything or each other. I was about to go upstairs then shahid called out to me "Jadu" he said so calmly and for some reason my heart started beating a lot faster than normal. "Ummm,yea" I said turning to look at him. He stared at me for sometime as if he wanted to say something but decided not to then finally said "my friends are coming over for dinner" and for some reason my heart beat normalized then I registered what he said and started panicking again "what? Why didn't you tell me so I could cook something " I said "well you were ignoring me" he said making  me glare at him.  "Ughhhh never mind I'll go and try and cook something, I said removing my abaya and keeping it on the couch. "Alright I'll also help you, hold on" he said and took my abaya and proceeded upstairs and I tied my veil on my waist and started bringing out what I need then he came back wearing shorts and a shirt. He then started staring at me. I was bent over the  fridge trying to bring out the ingredients but I know he was staring at me. "What?" I asked turning to look at him. "Huh?" He asked. "Why are you staring at me ?" I asked then he licked his lips. "Did your hair get longer?" He asked me trying to avoid the question. "Don't bend over the fridge like that again." He said finally walking into the kitchen. "Ughh you're such a....." I said but decided to such up. "I'm such a what?" He asked smirking. "Nothing" I said smiling. " but seriously did your hair get longer" he came towards me then trapped me touching my hair. "No it didn't get longer,you usually see my hair after I've washed it so it'd shrunk by then." I said trying to get out of his trap because I don't need any distractions now. "Oh ok,makes sense." He said moving away for me to go. I started cooking an trust me what shahid meant by helping was eating half of the raw ingredients and tasting everything. I was trying to roll shawarma when I felt someone's presence behind me. He then held my waist. " you look beautiful when your cooking " he said making me turn around to face him pouting. "Only when I'm cooking?" I asked childishly. " no,when you're dancing,eating and especially when your in bed" he said making me widen my eyes at the last part then he pecked my pouted lips. "I mean when you're sleeping in bed,who's the one with the perverted thoughts now"he said making me blush. Jadwa's paradox. "Go and get ready" I said literally pushing him out of the kitchen. "Ok ok, woman I'm going leave me." I finally let him be just for him to go back to the kitchen and get the Oreo meant for the Oreo ice cream and start eating. "Hey,you're not meant to eat that" I said smacking him. "Why are you so violent nowadays,I'm sure it's those pregnancy hormones" he said murmuring the last part then running out of the kitchen. I finished up and went to the room and shahid was laying on the bed facing up on his phone. I proceeded to the bathroom and stripped my clothes off then remembered my face scrub was in the room. I tied my towel  and got out of the bathroom. I entered the room and shahid was staring at me "ever heard of lowering your gaze mister" I said glaring at him. I searched and couldn't find the facial wash. Then I finally found it beside shahid. "Umm Ahid could you pass that to me." I said pointing at the facial wash. I normally call shahid ,Ahid but usually I don't even call his name. He looked towards were I was pointing then took the facial wash I was expecting him to pass it to me but he did the opposite. "This?" He asked raising an eyebrow while still holding the facial wash. "Yes,please pass it to me" I said ,then he rose it up and smirked. "Come get it" he said. Firstly my towel was short ,secondly shahid is taller than I am,thirdly shahid is full of mischief. "Please just pass it" I said pouting then he laughed "ok ok,take it before you start crying" he said making me glare at him but of course I did that after I got what I wanted. I took about 30 minutes in the bathroom then came out and found shahid still laying down. I proceeded to the closet and I got a leaf imprinted wrapper sewn into a gown. I wore it and took the hair tie with me and wore a black simple slipper shoe. I walked in and shahid was looking at me again, I ignored him and put my hair in a bun then tied the hair tie. I sat on my vanity table then applied some powder and kohl then I applied lip gloss to my pink soft lips. I stood up to apply my oud and shahid did same coming behind me. "You look pretty" he said making me turn to hug him. I then adjust his kaftan. "You don't look bad your self" I said then I heard the camera click,leave it to shahid to take mirror pics when I'm trying to cuddle. "Let's go downstairs" I said. We got downstairs and I put bakhoor all around the house. Then just in time the door bell rang and I went to open the door. I opened it and saw a 3 guys and 2 ladies. "Hey,you must be Jadwa" one of them said. "Yes,please come in" I said leading them inside. Imran shahid's bestfriend was the last to come in "amarya ta sha kamshi,amarya yakike?" Imran asked and as it is I was already very fond of him. "Lafiya qalau" I answered with a smile. "I hope you didn't come to steal my wife."shahid said holding my waist. "It depends" imran said laughing earning a playful glare from shahid as they dabbed each other. "I'm adnan and this is my fiancé meema" one of them said. "I'm lukman and this is my girlfriend hamxee" the other one said "nice to meet you" I said smiling. We were about to proceed to the dining when the door bell rang again,well it seems we have and additional visitor. I went to open the door but the person I saw left me shocked.......

An: hello beautiful readers of Jadwa's Story. How are we? I hope we're fine. Did you enjoy this chapter of its lame. Comment yay or nay. Who do you think is at the door. Please vote and comment and recommend.
Stay safe🦋
Sahlt cares❤️

1292 words in total

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