Chapter 2.

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Me and Naeema were talking around the school and it was time for launch. We went to the dining hall and I got fries,buger and a large coke. We got a table and sat down. Nabeela later joined us in our table and we were eating and talking then I went to throw my trash. As i was walking someone bumped into me and splashed fanta on me. I rose my head to see the famous Adam Hakim that all girls are drooling over but I never thought of having even a little crush on him. I was lost in my tought when a voice brought me back to the present. "You bumped into me and you can't even apologize, what a cheap and ill mannered girl. I am sure she is kanuri by tribe" he spat and walked away I had anger boiling in me. I went to the girls locker room and took out my phone and I texted Naeema to come and meet me there as I changed to one of the spare uniforms I always bring to school. Some minutes later Naeema entered. "what happened? I came here as soon as I could" Naeema asked. " You know that guy right? the guy that all girls are drooling over" I asked as I put on the uniform. "Yea, his name is Adam Hakim" she said still looking confused. " I want to throw my trash and the stupid guy bumped into me and his fanta spilled on me and he started saying that I am iil mannered he is sure I am kanuri and all that" I narrated as she attentively listened. "Jadu don't let him get to you,we need to show all this stupid boys what we are capable of" she said. "Yea you are right" I replied "Now Mama called me and said that we would be coming home together😊" she said smiling "oh ok but then why are you smiling so much?" I asked giving her that suspicious look 😒 "nothing😌" she said walking away. "Ok let's get to class before we get late" I said as we went to class.

When school was over I went to the locker room and changed to an abaya. Let's just say I always bring clothes to school incase of any problem that can occur.

Naeema's driver came and picked us up from school and we went to Naeema's house but Mama (Naeema's mum)  was still at work

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Naeema's driver came and picked us up from school and we went to Naeema's house but Mama (Naeema's mum) was still at work. "Jadu do you still like that boy?" Naeema asked smiling. "Which boy ?" I asked trying to act as if I don't know what she is talking about but we both know i have only like one boy which is Zayne Naeem's cousin. "Jadu stop acting like you don't know what i am talking about" she said as she lifted the pot. We were making fried rice, jollof rice, salad,chicken nuggets and mango juice. "Nana yes i still like him"I said as I look down trying not to blush. We set the table for lunch expecting Mama to be back in some minutes then we heard the door bell ring. "Jadu please go and get the door" Nana said while she went to get the jug of mango juice. I opened the door and my heart started racing at the sight of who was before me. "Jadu how are you? " Zayne asked " I.. I am fine. Please come in" I managed to say as I moved a way for him to enter. He was in a a wine coloured plain shirt and black sweatpants. I went to the kitchen to see Nana wiggling her eyebrows. "I can see you welcomed your husband well😂" she said laughing. Then I realised it was her that planned it all along . I face palmed my self as she walked and I followed behind her.
We say down to eat. "So how is school Jadu" Zayne asked me. "Umm fine." I said looking down trying not to blush. "Jadu you didn't tell him about that rude guy" Nana said as I shot her a death glare. "What rude guy?" Zayne asked. "No it's nothing......." I said trying to cover up but Nana interrupted. "So there is this rude guy at school........" she narrated everything to him. "Jadu don't let him get to you,don't worry I will deal with it" he said "No don't do anything" I pleaded coz I know it could lead to a lot. "Ok. If you say so but please be safe" he said looking at me and I nodded. "Iye see how you guys are acting as if you are dating" nana said wiggling her eyebrows grinning. I looked down coz I was blushing so hard. "Ehen what if we are dating?" Zayne asked staring at me. "If you guys are dating then prove it" Nana said. "Nah! I don't wanna make my girl feel uncomfortable" Zayne said. Nana just smiled and stood up to clear the table. I stood up together with her but then Zayne grabbed my hand and directed me to sit down beside him. "Jadu I really like you and I wasn't joking about you being my girl. I want you to go and think about it and I will call you so we can talk later on." He said looking serious and I nodded and stood up. We cleared the table and minutes later I went home coz our houses were two blocks away. I wanted to think about it before I told nana.

I was in my room thinking when my phone rang and it was an unknown number. I took my samsung a20 and picked the call. "Hello,pls who is this" I asked "it's Zaid I just called to tell you that I really like you.I liked you since Jss1 but I was scared to tell you coz I thought that you might not like me back and I want you to think about it" before I could say anything he ended the call. I saved the number about to call nana for help when my iPhone beeped and I picked it just to see a notification from our set girls group.
Nana:so you guys Jadu and Zayne are dating😍

Nabeela:congrats Jadu😉

Hannah: yea congrats and treat our brother well😊

Armani: don't break the niggas heart

Imani :treat that dude right😊😘

Amira: why are you guys acting like you don't know it's a lie. Zayne cannot be dating this bitch. You know him and Adam Hakim are like friends and Adam hates Jadwa

Nana: Mira what ever you say will not stop them from dating

Armani:yea it's true keep your stupid jealous assto yourself

Me:Zayne and I are not dating yet but he asked me out and for your information Amira Sani, Zaid also asked me out today and he is Adam Hakims best friend. I was about to send Zayne my yes before nana and her big mouth blabbed it.

Hauwa:Amira we all know that you are jealous of Jadu and you know I am Zaids cousin and Zaynes best friend also Adams cousin and I know that both Zaid and Zayne asked her out today.

Nana: Jadu you didn't tell me that another person asked you out.


Nana:Jadu private chat.

Nana:so who are you gonna choose


Nana: ok to and tell him and I will deal with Zaid just send Zaids number.

Me:ok thanks. 0812*******



LOML❤🔥:hi,how are you?

Me:I'm fine and I have decided

LOML❤🔥:so what's the answer?

Me:yea. My answer is yes

LOML❤🔥:Thanks baby. I Love you

Me:I love you too

LOML❤🔥:so we will meet in school tomorrow

Me:you attend my school now

LOML❤🔥: yea. I couldn't come yesterday coz I was busy arranging my transfer

Me: how do you feel now

LOML❤🔥:better due to your answer

Me:oooo oh ok

LOML❤🔥:yea now get some sleep

Me:ok good night.

Nana: Zayne told me . Omg I can't wait to see your romantic chats

Me:you are so dramatic.

Nana:I spoke to Zaid and he said it's ok

Me:good night

Nana :sleep tight and dream about him

An: sooo I hope y'all are enjoying the story.

Whatsapp:ask me privately

I will try my best to keep updating but y'all should know it's Hope to be able to write more words in the next chapter. This book is stopping in Chapter 11 at a cliff hanger then I will start book two by God's grace. Please you guys should help me advertise the book,vote ,comment,tell me what you think, contribute,recommend,share and try and introduce to other friends so we can get at least 500 veiws coz this is my first book . If you have any contributions to make then contact me. My details are above. I will add on snapchat so there is no problem. Message me privately for my number. I also help people with their books. 1530 words in total and hope for more words in the next chapter.

Love y'all ❤❤🔥❤🔥💝

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