Capter 22.

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Shahid's POV 🦋
I was sitting down on my normal sit and I ordered my usual then this sluty girl came to me,"I'm Maryam. How are you?" She said but I didn't reply. "Ouuuuuu feisty ,well I could help you if you want,just a one night stand for free " she said making me stand up and spill my drink on her. "You think everyone wants to be with slutty women like you,I'm married " I said to her . "Being married isn't being loyal,what are you doing here at this hour if you're married?" She said making my subconscious mind mock me. I just fasten my steps and get into my car. I didn't want to drive home just yet so as I was driving to my private crib my phone rang. "hello.....shahid........Jadwa" feesah said. "what are you talking about? Why are you crying ?" I asked clearly confused then I think the phone was collected because mama's voice is the next thing I hear "come to the city hospital your wife got into an accident." she said . I can here the sadness in her voice as I rush and pray that Jadwa is ok. No matter how much I hate her I just dont want her hurt.

"Mama ......Baba I'm sorry. I know I haven't been the best husband to my wife but I am truly sorry ." I said as I knelt down in front of them both. "It's should be apologizing to Jadwa not us" mama said . Just then the doctors walked into the waiting room we were in. "Doctor is there any news or is she fine .....please tell us" i said . "Yes she's fine but do any of you know why she was out alone at such an hour? Nothing actually happened to her except some bruises though they are not to deep. After we discharge her she might have some head aches but we would give some pills for that" the donator stated . "Thank you doctor can we see her?" Feenah who has been quite asked. "Yes you can see her as long as you don't disturb her,she needs to rest" he added then left. We all entered the room as quietly as possible and there she laid all weak and pale with a deep frown and worried lines on her forehead just below the bandage on her head. Even on  a hospital bed she looked beautiful. "Oh my God Jadwa how do you feel?" Feesah asked . "I'm ok but my head hurts a lot" Jadwa said almost inaudibly. As she tried to stand up and wince in pain. " Jadwa not lay down you need to rest" feenah said. "Ummmm jadu what were you doing outside at such late hour" mama asked. "I can't actually remember much from the night I think I was out to look for shahid.......waif shahid is he alright" she said then started to panic before her eyes locked with mine. Then mama motioned everyone to leave us together. "hey,how are you feeling" I asked "I'm okish" she replied shyly. "Jadwa....." I said "hmmm"she replied looking away as I used my finger to tilt her head my way. "I'm sorry really....." I said as I got on my knees. "I'm sorry for not being there,I'm sorry for not being you dream husband ,I'm sorry for neglecting you,I'm sorry for maltreating you,got the harsh things and ........" I said but I was cut off by jadwa "it's ok,If God forgives then who are we not to forgive" she said with a cute smile.

Jadwa's POV🥰
"I'm happy you realized your mistakes" I added. "From now I promise to treat you right Mrs Jadwa Shahid" he said ending it with a wink . Before I realize what's going on shahid leaned closer to me and i did same and there we had our first kiss. . It was very cute tho and just as we pull away I notice a flash of camera then turn to see Feesah and feenah. Then I quickly hide my face in shahid's chest,those little brats. "I love you" shahid said to me as we stayed still hugging "I love you too" I said and I actually do love him. "Awnnnnnnnnn,you guys are soooooo cute" Feesah said. "Allah....I wish I would be this cute with my husband someday" feenah said "please stop making my wife uncomfortable" shahid said " inyeh masu wife" feenah said "ke feenah zan ci uban ki ,at your age you're thinking of husband koh" shahid said "a'a ya shahid I'm sorry" feenah said making me and shahid laugh. They're drama is so cute. I wish to see more of this. I can't believe me and shahid kissed . Ya Allah 😂 I can't stop thinking about it,his mouth tastes just like strawberry but I know I won't get enough of it from the twins and their questions😂. "Habibty what are you thinking about" shahid whispered to me. "Nothing" I whispered back just as the doctor came into the room. "She can be discharged as soon as her husband signs the papers and collects the medications" he said as him and shahid left he room. "Inyeh oya start gisting is what happened" feenah said . "Gaskiya kam.......har da kiss" they added. "Dan Allah leave me alone,I need to rest" I said blushing almost too hard. "Toh munji but you'll  tell us at home" Feesah said. "Ok habibty get your things let's go" shahid said as he walked into the room. "Ok" I said and the twins helped me get into my abaya and we left since mama and baba already left as it was very late. "Ya shahid we are staying at your house to take care of Jadwa" Feesah said "when did I ever tell you I can't take care of my wife? When did you even start calling her by her name you better show her respect." He said making us all laugh as we got into the house. The twins stayed downstairs as shahid helped me get upstairs . He carried me bridal style and I closed my eyes enjoying his warmth. I felt him keep me on a bed. I opened my eyes and the room felt very unfamiliar......everything was grey and black and it was well decorated just like mine but more manly. "Ummmmm shahid where's this" I asked. "our room" he simply replied as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Our?" I asked still confused. "Yes our from now we would be staying in the same room ok? we will talk about that tomorrow for now go to sleep. . I need to shower" he said as he walked out of the room through a door I suppose is the bathroom. I changed to some shorts and a long shirt. I was laying down scrolling through my phone when shahid came in shirt less with a towel dangerously wrapped on his torso. I kept staring at him as he moved and his muscles flexed. He then walked into a room and later came back shirtless with only some shorts. "Babe stop staring ......take a picture it'll last longer ." He said making me blush and shameless me took a picture. He then cane and laid down and pulled me to his rock hard but comfortable chest and like that we fell asleep.

An: hey guys it's been a while..... this chapter took me a lot of calculations lol. I'm going back to school in a day so no more updating but I'll try my best to update as much as possible. what do you think "yay" or "nay" what you think about this book means a lot so please comment. We're almost at 5k thanks a lot and if I don't update I'll see you in December.
Stay safe
Stay healthy
Sahlt cares
Love you

1331 words in total

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