Chapter 31

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Third Person's POV🥰
    Months passed and those months weren't easy for Jadwa,although people around who actually knew what was going on tried comforting her and Shahid on the other hand kept on acting strangely,at first his parents overlooked his attitude with the mindset that he was acting that way coz of his reunion with Nusayba but it was now become something else. If someone even say both of them the person would think they were both married. Shahid never actually divorce Jadwa,he couldn't bring himself to do it no matter how much he tried he just couldn't. He was also trying to figure out what was wrong with him because all his friends left him saying they wanted to have nothing to do with him and so did his parents.

Anonymous POV
"How are things going between two of you of you?" I asked Nusayba. "Things are well now that the filthy trash is away,we haven't had sex yet though and that's what I'm concerned about because the plan was for us to have sex so that we can be together and the child I'll give birth to will give him more reason to love me. Although he is starting to remember things about both of them and the blue powder doesn't seem to be working anymore." Nusayba complained. "You're complaining too much,non of that is actually my problem. My main concern is the fact that for the past months since the hospital incident she hasn't left that house of theirs so there is no possible way for me to grasp her and I've warned you too much of that blue powder is going to make him loose his memory and he's going to slowly die." I told her happy at the fact that he's actually dying. "What do you mean by he's slowly dying, you mean I've been killing the love of my life with my own hands? But you lied to me, you told me the powder will let me control his mind and you convinced me that there was no side effects so what are you doing now." She ranted. "Don't talk to me like that or you are dead, you know what I am capable of doing. Do you really think I care about you and your little Shahid? I don't actually give two flying biscuits about what happens to both of you,all I care about is Jadwa being mine." I told her with an evil grin. "So all along you used me to get what you want and lied to me that I would also benefit from it you dipshit." She said,by now I was already starting to get annoyed so I decided to just tell her straight forward. "Look  I don't like you and I never did, I don't regret killing your parents and I'm sure I would also not regret killing you. You were the stupid one who fell into the trap. You have OLD obsessive love disorder so I decided to keep your drugs away from you and everything so you can work for me but now I don't really care what you do,you can die for all I care I'll do the rest myself."he said then walked out into the dark shadows. I sat down thinking of the mess I've brought myself into. How can my only father figure do this to me. How could I be so stupid and careless.

Jadwa's POV

Months have passed since the incident at the hospital and to be honest things have not been easy. I now had a house of my own in the same estate as my parents. I lived with Hadar and his nanny. Yes my son Hadar Shahid . No he wasn't dead.  This is how it happened...... Jasmine came back all of a sudden after years of being away a d she came and apologized for all the wrongs she had done and after a while we reconciled. I gisted Jasmine about all that has been happening and she had connections coz of her fiance, yes she was engaged. She had connections which helped her with the footages from the security camera of the day I have birth to Hadar and there was a footage that showed that Nusayba was talking to a nurse and she brought out a wad of cash and handed it over to the nurse and the nurse took it and she took Hadar along with her and she gave Hadar to a woman who gave her anther wad of cash. Jasmine helped me to track down the woman and we did a background check on her and found out that she was married for twenty seven years with no child and her husband left her due to her barrenness so she decided to buy my child and lie that he was hers. We tracked the nurse down and made her to give he woman back her money telling her not to inform Nusayba about anything happening and we also threatened her using the footages. We then took the woman to the orphanage home and tried getting a child for her but the people there refused claiming that her husband needed to be there. Jasmine then used her connections and the woman finally got a 3 weeks old girl which was coincidentally given birth to on the same day with Hadar and the woman gave Hadar to me thanking me for helping and I came back and showed him to my parents we did a DNA which proved he was really my child and I named him Hadar Zamir Shahid, a Hebrew name which means honoured, ornamented, beautiful song. I spent the whole week going around doing sadaka to thank God coz I could not fast due to me breast feeding Hadar.
       Some weeks later Jasmine said that she had news about what was actually going on with Shahid. She once said she was going to get to the bottom of it but I never knew she was this serious about it and she came back telling me that the investigation resulted to some pictures of a powder, a blue powder and that seemed to be what Nusayba has been using for Shahid. It was a blue powder that when mixed in water or food instantly camouflages and it makes one forget who he is and follows the control or lead of whoever he spends most time with and it also has side effects which includes death. Me and Jasmine concluded that we needed to put and end to this before it's too late.

An: hello beautiful people,happy new year. Please don't kill me I know that I haven't been consistent and I never update but I actually have my reasons so now I'll be updating so.... Please vote,comment and recommend. Thanks for reading .
Stay safe
Sahlt cares♥️

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