Chapter 10.

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Time skip
2 months later
I and Abba really got close but of course he's closer to Jasmine than me. Tho it doesn't seem so, Jasmine has been off lately. She has been acting jealous of me and Abba for some reason tho she knows in not ready or thinking of any kind of relationship. Me and Nusy became closer with a new girl called Jada. Jasmine also had some sort of things against Jada.
"Hey y'all" Jada said as she walked towards us. "Hey how are you?" Nusy said. We were at pizza hut for lunch and it's almost winter in Canada all the snow and stuff. " I'm good" Jada said with a smile then Abba came towards us. We never knew he was coming. "Hey Jadu, what's up?" Abba said as he started walking towards us. He's the only person that calls me Jadwa or Jadu here. "Nothing much, you?" I said. "Same princess " he said. He also calls me all sort of nicknames. "Are we invisible?" Nusy said with a tone of sarcasm. "Don't mind him,he's there enjoying his life with his princess" Jada said. "Yes she's my princess but oh well, hey ladies" Anna said to them making me blush. " awnn he's princess is blushing." Nusy said as Abba side hugged me. "Are you sure y'all aren't dating?" Jada asked. "No, not yet" He replied. "What do you mean by not yet? ....." Nusy asked, she was about to say something else when a voice interrupted. "Hey baby, I'm back" it was Jasmine. "Baby? Are y'all dating?" Jada asked "No we are just best friends and we will never be nothing more than that" Anna said making tears form in Jazmine's eyes. Though non of them noticed coz they were too busy eating and talking about random things. After we finished eating, me and Jada went to the house while the rest of them went back for lectures.

❤🔥Aţ hõmé🔥❤
"Jada I really think there something else between Jasmine and Abba apart from friendship" I said to Jada who was sitting on the carpet im the floor in my sitting room. "No,there's nothing" Jada said. "But don't you are the way Jasmine looks at him, the way they talk and how close they are and allat?" I asked Jada. "No,there's nothing between them apart from friendship, yes we can clearly see that Jasmine likes Abba but we all know he'll never see her more than a friend. She doesn't deserve him and we all know that. Why are you even asking, why are you bothered about their relationship all of a sudden?" Jada asked. "Nothing I'm just asking." I said looking down. "You better not fall inlove with that guy ,you came here to study and nothing more, you are a black . You can't compare yourself with any of us and also you need to get the fact that Abba doesn't like you, he's just playing with your heart. He's only playing with your feelings, he'll never like black girls and that's one of the reasons he said he can never be anything more than friends with Jasmine." Jada said and with that she stood up ,took her bag and slammed the door thinking of what just happened. I really don't know what's wrong with Jada but she has been distant lately. She has been acting weird especially when Abba says or does something that has to s with me. I sit down there thinking about what just happened, thinking about what Jada said even though she knows that we are best friends. She of all people know how much I hate it and how much it hurts me when I'm being insulted or disseminated because of my race and my colour.
"Mama what's wrong?" A voice asked brining me back to the present. It was Nusy. I guess they just came back from lectures. "Nothing" I said looking down because I know most of the people I talk to here know it when I'm lieing. "Manam Jadwa Adam, you Are lieing." She said with a stern look. I ended up falling her everything. "What you mean Jada said and did allat?" She asked shaking her head in disbelief "yes " I answered . Then surprisingly she stood up. "Nusy where are you going to?" I asked "om going to teach that girl a lesson"

💕somewhere in Ottawa Canada💕

"Princess what's wrong?" Abba asked. I didn't know when I told Abba everything. "Look that's a lie, i need you to know I love you. The only thing stopping me I that I need to find a way to tell Jasmine that I love you and not her. I really love you princess I'm sorry for what Jada said." Before I could reply he pulled me in for a deep long passionate kiss. "Uhm sorry I just had to" he said scratching the back of his head after we pulled away.

It's impossible, It can't be true. What I just heard and saw can't be true. So I decided to call Jada because she is the only person now that can help since she's fighting with Manan. "Hello ,Jada?" I said into the phone "yes ,Jasmine what do you want?" She asked sounding annoyed already. I told her everything I heard and saw. "Ok I'll help you but you can't tell anyone." She said. "Ok, no problem then. I won't." I said eagerly. "So you'll have to go out today night with Abba, I'll send someone to come and inseminate you. Then when the pregnancy signs start to show you blame it on Abba but make sure you get him drunk ok?" She said. "Are you sure that's a good idea? That will make me pregnant and i have school to face and allat" I asked "yea it's a good idea just do it, you can and up aborting the baby" she said trying to convince me. " and whose sperm will you use?" I asked worried. " that's not a problem just don't worry, get ready and call him today" she said. "Ok thanks" I said "bye" she said as she hanged up the phone. I'm worried but I'm going to do it. I'll fight for what is mine. That's life🔥👌❤💕.

An:did you like tho chappie ?
Vote ,comment and share if you want a shout out. Privately message me for my details so you can contact me. My friend is writing a new book immygee
Also shout out to NabeelaIdris and Ate_eemah
Y'all should comment on what you think will happen on the next chapter.
Thanks y'all

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