Chapter 19.

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Shahid's POV 💃🏽
After thinking about what mama told me I decided to go and visit her,it's nice to know that my wife to be shares a very strong bond with my sisters . Just as I was about to enter the sitting room,I saw the twins. Oh no,I know they'll tease me 😭. "Inyeh, lover boy is back" said feenah. "Ah ah,I'm sure his smiling so much because of her" Feesah added . "Smiling kuma? I'm not smiling oo" I said sitting down between them. I really love my sisters. They mean the world to me. "Hhehehehe ,I know he won't agree that he is smiling " feenah said. "Infact lets go and disturb matar Yaya " Feesah said winking. "Eh fah ,let's go and make her blush then we would ask her who she has chosen" feenah said "don't disturb my wife oo and what do you mean by who she'll choose?" I asked making them quite as their smile dropped. Making me raise my eyebrow at them."no it's nothing" Feesah said as they both left leaving me confused.

Jadwas POV🌸
I was laying down when my phone rang and it was the twins requesting for a video call. "Hey gurl!" They squealed as soon as I picked the call. "Hey gurls!" I said "what's up,you have cast a spell on our brother oo" Feesah said. "I didn't do anything oo,but sha you girls I've decided." I said to the girls and they nodded . "I've picked your brother" I said squealing " yay,amarya ta ango"feenah said wiggling her eyebrows. "Sha tell him the fact that you had to choose from two people because as we were talking about you today and he came back then he heard us so..... I'm sure he'll ask" Feesah said and right on cue my phone rang and since I was using my laptop to video call the twins I picked the call and it was shahid. They then mouthed "put it on speaker " and I did. "Hey" I said into the phone. "How are you?" He asked . "I'm fine and you?" I said smiling. "I'm fine too" he said . "So today a little bird told my that you had to choose from a certain two people " he said. Making me glance at the twins who's faces were clearly shown on my laptop. "May I know who that bird is" I asked "no beautiful but tell my about it" he said making me blush. I narrated everything to him and to my surprise he understood. We talked for a while before we disconnected the call. "Inyeh amaryan yaya" Feesah said making me blush. "You guys spoke for almost one hour fah" she continued "that's nice" feenah said. I spoke with them for a while and also disconnected the call .

Shahid's POV🥺
It's now 1 and a half weeks to the wedding . I'm scared but I know God knows best. Well as for Jadwa she isn't row bad person but I won't let myself get attached to her. The wedding preparations at my side has been very tiring. The family wants to have so many events. Now I am out with my friends to go and get our babban riga for the ceremony.

Jadwa's POV💃🏽
It's 1 week and some days now to the wedding. I am now going through the gyran giki and now the beautician is very friendly but that doesn't stop the fact of it being painful.

Now the bridesmaid and the bride are getting their body waxed and all the necessary body treatments because it's a 5 days event wedding and there are only 2 days to it.

As I was shouting in pain as my body Is being waxed ,as the girls laugh at me. "Wai kuka ta ke fa,mu yi video mu tura ma ya shahid" (she's crying oo, Lets make a video and send to ya shahid.) Feesah said making me blush and making the girls laugh. "YA ALLAH ‼️‼️ Amarya have you seen your house,it's so nice." My cousin ya leemah said.

It's now time for Feesah to get hers done. She has just been trembling. "Wayo Allah na!!" She screamed trying to hold back her tears making us laugh . "Now you see how painful it is" I said and just then my aunt entered "ke go and get ready is time for your kamshi bath" she said making me groan which they all laughed at. Kamshi bath is a bath that the amarya has to do after the beautician is done in order for her to have s very nice signature sent on her. "Eya now she's the one groaning" Feesah who is now done with her waxing said . "Don't worry,I see the way you move with Adnan,I would let you decide by yourself if I should groan or not😉" I said winking making her blush. My family is a combination of both Muslims and Christians. Adnan is one of my best cousins tho we met only during this wedding time,he's also friend with shahid . After a bit of teasing and gisting ,I decidedly go and get ready for my "wankan kamshi" and after the long procedure,I decided to call it a night. As my wedding is next tomorrow,I prayed to God for all the best.

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