Chapter 3.

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Jadwas pov
It's been sometime now since me and Zayde started dating. We were in the children's parlour. He came to see me and he exchanged pleasantries with my parents,in the course of talking to my parents he mentioned marrying me when I am done with university. I had one more year to go before I start university. I want to be a medical consultant. We talked for a while and after sometime,he went back home. I was studying and doing my homework when Mami (my mother) called me. I greeted her and then sat down beside her on the couch. Then I noticed that Mami didnt answer my greeting as I was about to greet her a voice interrupted me " So you don't have respect,you are sitting down on the couch!" I was shocked because Mami has never raised her voice at me. I quietly sat on the floor as I muttered a "sorry Mami". Which she didn't reply to,instead she just looked at me and sent me away. I have never felt this type of way before. I wanted to call Baba but I could not because he went to a business meeting in India and I didn't want him to get worried. I prayed to GOD to help me in this situation. I fell asleep thinking about my relationship with Mami. I think it's gonna become bad.

I woke up to cold water that was splashed on my body. I opened my eyes just to see Mami standing at akimbo. "Go...good mor...ning Mami" I said sitting up right. "At your age do you still need me to wake you up? Don't you know you are meant to be making breakfast?" She hissed and walked out. I prayed to GOD to help me with anything that might happen today. I got up and changed from my set cloths to a shirt and a wrapper on my waist. I went to the kitchen and made pancake,sausages,eggs,plantain and banana smoothie. I set the dining table about to go and call Mami when she came and sat down and started eating. I sat and started eating and Mami kept on eyeing me. After some minutes she stood up and went to her room. I finished and cleared the table. I went to my room and took my bath and took my phone and went to whatsapp and as soon as I switched my data on, a message from Zayde came in:

Love❤💍: hi, we need to talk

Me:umm ok, wassup

Love❤💍:what's going on between you and Zain?

Me: what do you mean?

Love❤💍:Amira told me that he asked you out, is it true?


Love❤💍:why didn't you tell me? What did we say about keeping secrets? That's number one offence.

Me:I didn't tell you coz I didn't want you to get worried. We have being together for eight months now and I didn't want it to be ruined. And besides Amira has being doing all she can to separate us .

Love❤💍:still that isn't enough reason.

Me:put yourself in my shoes

Love❤💍: are you saying I'm being in considerate? Do you even love me?

Me:no I'm not saying you are in considerate and love is a strong word so I dunno abt that but i know i like you.

Love❤💍:I think we should go on a break.

Me: what do you mean go on a break?

Before he could reply Mami came into the room. "Will you go and cook lunch or are you sitting here like a foolish girl?" She said eyeing me. "Sorry Mami, what do you want to eat?" I asked standing up. "So I must even get you to come and cook for me? I want to eat fried rice, coleslaw,Apple juice and red velvet cup cake for dessert." She said "ok let me go on and get the things" i said as she handed me some money.

I had to go to the market because I needed to get some things I couldn't get from around. I had to trek from the house and it's quite a distance. As I kept on trekking my phone beeped and I was already getting tired as I removed my phone from my pocket. I saw a message from Zayde.

Love❤💍: bye. I think this is it forever I need some time to think. And my dad said I am going to Canada to further my studies since we will soon be graduating and we are starting Waec soon so after that I am going.

Me:can't we do long distance or something?

Love❤💍: try and get over me coz I don't think it's gonna work, the past 8 months of us being together has being nice but still it won't work out. Our bond has broken

I didn't know when I started crying thinking about the bond I share with Mami and that I share with Zayde is broken but all I know is everything went black as I felt as if I was being pushed.

AN:I know it's short but please let's try and get more readers and you know my details. I can see already some of you are adding me on snapchat. Pls comment,vote and tell others about it. Tell me what you think about the book. Pls no harsh comments. Pardon mistakes.

Thank y'all!!♡♡

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