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Shahid's POV
To say I am happy is an understatement,a year has now passed since our reconciliation and we're now in the hospital as we have just found out that Jadwa is 2 months pregnant. Our family has gotten closer,Hadar has now started school and we are more than happy. Even Ummi came to apologize for not supporting our marriage which was very surprising. I turned to look at Jadwa to see her already looking at me , probably afraid of my reaction. I got up slowly and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. I could feel her cry on my chest. "I love you and I promise I'll be by your side this time around till the birth of this child and even till death do us part." I said kissing her cheek.

Jadwa's Pov
To say I was happy is an understatement,I was more than happy. I had everything I needed. I felt so free and alive. Jazmine has now gotten married and has a child Zendaya,such a cute girl.  and Nusayba has also gotten married and is presently about 5 months pregnant. Some weeks ago Ummi, Shahid's mum came apologizing for everything which was indeed very surprising to me. Since that day she accepted me as a daughter. I can still remember the same thing she told me "just as you have been named ,you are truly a gift and I am happy both me and my son have been gifted with someone like you." Was what she said.

   We were now at home in our room cuddling with Hadar between us . I looked to see he had fallen asleep just as the movie had ended and I picked him up but Shahid collected him from me and out him to bed by him self. "Jadwa" I heard my name being called from non other but my lovely husband as he motioned me to come and he sat me down on his lap. "Thank you,thank you for being a gift and also giving me a gift as a family. At this point I'm too blessed to be stressed and just as your name Manan,there isn't a moment that passes by without me thinking of you and all we have gone through and how happy I am to have someone like you. When I'm with you no matter we are it's like it's only you that matters,it's like you're the only one there. It's like it's me and you lost in our own different universe. I'm very happy to have you and to be honest you are a very strong woman and you indeed have your own story to tell to our kids and grandkids and even the generations to come. Jadwa's story,the story of the strongest woman to live. Not strong in strength but in passion ,words and care. You always know what to say and you're just so imaperfectly perfect in your own way. I love you ,I love you to the moon and back and I'll never stop loving you till death do us part." He said as I clung onto him hugging him like me life depends on it. " I love you too because you make up the best part of my story. Jadwa's story." I said

The End

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