Chapter 9.

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I woke up in the morning and did my morning routines today we are going to Canada and we are going to be staying there both me and Jasmine. It was already 5 in the evening and we went to the air port. After a while we boarded the plane and settled down. I was listening to Godzila on my phone then a girl say next to me. "Hey, I'm Nusayba but you can call me Nusy I'm going to start schooling at University of Toronto." She said "Hey I'm Jadwa my other name is Manan but you can all me anything you want to I'm also starting University of Toronto" I said. "Wow that's nice we can be friends" she said brightly "yes sure " I said . Through the flight we introduced ourselfs and after the flight . Me and Jasmine went to put house which was already arranged and ready with a maid for us each. "Jasmine, what's wrong ?" I asked because since on the plane she has been distant. "Nothing" she said not even sparing me a glance. "Are you sure its nothing? " I asked trying to get what's bothering her from her. "Yes I said in fine and now leave me alone" she said storming off. I went to my side of the house and not to sleep after calling home and praying.

Next day
I woke up and did my prayers just as I was about to go and make breakfast I remembered Jasmine and decided to go and check on her . "Hey ,how are you doing?" I said as I entered her room. "I'm ok as usual." She said typing away on her phone. " what's wrong?" I asked. "As I said before I'm fine" she said "oh ok, so lectures are starting tomorrow" I informed " yes I know" she said. "Alright" I really didn't know why Jazmine was acting that way coz she was the only person I knew we'll there and she's my sister and best friend. I ate breakfast in my side and I told my maid to tell Jazmine's to remember to take breakfast I made to Jazmine." I dressed up and got ready to go out. I wanted to explore Canada. I went to Jasmine first. "Jasmine I want to go and explore around do you want to follow?" I asked . "No ..." she said then she muttered something I couldn't hear. "You said something also should I get you something when I go out?" I asked "No I'm fine." She said then I left. I went to Niagra falls, i went to McDonald's, subway and I ended at the mall.


I really dunno what's wrong with me I just feel this sudden hatred towards Manan. She feels herself coz she's partially Indian or coz I leave with them or coz her parents are rich? She doesn't know what's coming for her. Since she left I also decided to go somewhere I ended up at the mall I went to footlocker and bought some shoes. I went to Victoria Secret and bought somethings and lastly I went to target and bought some shirts. I decide to go to pizza hut and as i was eating I saw a guy coming towards me. "Hey I'm Abba" he said smiling. "I'm Jasmine nice to meet you Abba" I said. "Tell me about yourself maybe we can be best friends" he said. I told him about my self and we went to our house together. "Well I'm Nigerian and Indian. I believe in love. My life is interesting coz most of my things depends on my mood. I hardly get angry but when I do it's hard to control "he said. "Wow you are like my sister" I said just then Mama came inside my room. "Oh Manan you are back" I said then I noticed Abba was staring at her. "Yea. Umm hi" she said to Abba. "Hey. I'm Abba" he said flashing a better smile than the one he did earlier. "Nice to meet you Abba" she said also smiling. They ended up getting along too well and to be honest I started getting jealous but thankfully Nusy came in. After another set of introduction they both left to Nana's side leaving me and Abba alone but then I noticed he collected her number. "You collected Manans number? I asked "Yes how won't i have my besties sisters number. Besides she's nice enough for a wife. " he said. "Oh ok" I said trying to act like I don't care but deeply I was dying inside.She must pay for all these


"Nusy what's up?" I asked making my self comfortable in the couch. "Nothing much oo" she said Munching on her Apple. "Ok so Jasmine had been acting weird lately I'm confused." I said. "Yea I noticed it she was she eyeing you when she saw Abba with you and after he collected your number." She said. "I really dunno why,I've been asking her but it's all useless." I said. "Just forget about her. She would come around some day " Nusy said . We later started talking about books in wattpad like she by immygee, romance by Ate_eemah and Farida love after nikkah by NabeelaIdris. We spoke more for a while then she decided to go because she had lectures.

An: sorry for late update. Manage this for now. I'll find time to work on something better. Please vote and comment

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