Chapter 36

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Jadwa's POV🌺
I went down and saw Shahid carrying plates to the table as he kept cups filled with what I suppose were smoothies.  He saw me coming as he dropped everything slowly and walked to me while smiling and I couldn't even try hiding I own smile. "Wait did you...." I started asking but then he cut me off. "Yes I did,I fed Hadar with cerlac and I gave him half a bottle of milk and quarter a bottle of water after." He said as he pulled me to the table. When we were newly married Shahid always did well when it came to cooking for me. He would usually cook the food and I'll make the desert and this just reminded me of those days. I sat as we fed each other in silence after saying a short prayer. I stood up with the plated and empty cup and put them into the dish washer. We switched of the lights and checked up on Hadar before also going to bed and after praying I went to sleep with just one thought in my mind......shahid?.....eww new family. 

I woke up with an arm drapped over my waist. I tried to get off him and also get hi hand off me but that just encouraged him as he turned us over and started placing kisses all over my face. I couldn't even move away from him coz he was too heave and Hadar came to my rescue by crying. I quickly got away from him and got into Hadars' room . I got him and came back to our room while feeding him. When I got in Shahid wasn't in the room and the toilet tap was running which notified me that he was in there. He came in and stared at me for a while ,I went through my phone and got read the message I got Jasmine telling me to were one of my lingerie to bed,she must have sent it yesterday night. I silently blush then giggle making Shahid look at me with an eyebrow up making me chuckie. "It was Jasmine" I said "she sent me a message" I said making him chuckle at my confusion and then laid back in bed. I turned to him with a now questioning look as I laid Hadar on the bed. "What?" He asked laughing at my reaction ."Aren't you going to school?" I asked glaring at him. "noppppe"he said exaggerating the p as he turned and cuddled with his son. I  can't lie of course it was a cute view. " Why not" I asked now trying to straddle him making him chuckle and turn so I could do it well. "Coz I don't want to,I could stay with you or I could go to work but I'll rather stay at home with my very boring wife that's sending me away than go to work with those annoying people"he said making me chuckie. I quickly got off him coz he started tickling me . I didn't need to put anything on coz his shirt was already long. I went downstairs and saw Maman Laraba "good morning" I said bending slightly to greet her.  "Good morning my daughter." She said as she helped me set up breakfast and after an hour I saw Shahid coming down now in sweat pants and a shirt with Hadar blabbering whatever on his arm. He greeted Maman Laraba then turned to me. "Here take your son ban so Kuma" he said faking a hurt expression. "I thought you said you prefered him to me" I said while trying to collect Hadar from him. Surprisingly Hadar refused to come to me as he clung to his father while making a very funny expression. "See he prefers you too" I said laughing at Shahid who looked like his already tired of Hadars'disturbance. Maman Laraba chuckled while shaking her head as she collected Hadar from his dad which he easily went to her making Shahid laugh at my expression.she took his cerelac and milk with some water as she went away to feed him. Shahid and I had break fast while making small talks as I went to shower and get ready after breakfast and after clearing the table.

I was don't and I decided to apply some khol and lipgloss when I heard Shahid calling me. He was holding  Hadar on his lps and Hadars eyes quickly lit up immediately he saw me. He stretched out for me to carry him which I playfully refused while shaking my head. "this morning you chose your daddy over me aii so stay with him. " I said making Shahid chuckle while Hadar just pouted. I carried him and stood up straight and that was when I noticed Nusayba on the couch and immediately she saw me she went down on her knees . " I'm sorry,I'm very sorry for everything I've don't to you. I know I don't deserve forgiveness but please try and forgive me.  I can't even believe I tried to break such a beautiful family m it was the devil I swear." She said now crying. I dropped Hadar on his dads lap and went to her and wiped her tears with my veil. "It's ok,if God could forgive us then who am I not to forgive you. I said raising her and hugging her. Shahid left after an hour as Nusayba told us she had gotten someone to marry and Jasmine also came to keep me company as we chatted away. "When are we going to get another mini Shahid?" Jasmine asked making me playfully glare at her while blushing . "Soon ,don't worry very soon" I heard Shahid's voice behind me when he secretly threw a wink at me. He went out with Hadar and I now noticed Hadar had chocolate all over his mouth and before I could even complain Shahid rose his hands in surrender. " He was pouring wallahi and even you know that you can't refuse that pout of his." He said and I don't even know how I was meant to argue coz Hadar can't talk ,so how exactly can he even ask for chocolate. As if he could read my mind "don't worry I'll bath him and feed him for the whole week" Shahid said making me laugh and playfully glare at him as he collected Hadar from me making Hadar cutely giggle and say "dada" surprising us all. Shahid excused himself and after a while the girls also left me with my family after a lot of cooing and teasing. My very wonderful family.

1117 words in total

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