Chapter 32

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Jadwa's POV🥰
Jazmine finally got a way to talk to Shahid although she said that I shouldn't worry or get myself involved in all these which seemed very funny to me because it is my fight and this is actually because of me. She said within the week Shahid and I are going to meet and that also felt very stupid because me and shahid,under the same room. Let's not forget the fact that I'll have to take Hadar with me.

Jazmine's POV
I sent a message to Shahid saying I want to meet with him,well it was more of a threat than a message and I think he really took me seriously,the address was a house Jadwa and I bought at the outskirts of town before we left for Canada. We bought it so that if we come back to Nigeria and we don't want any one to know,not even our parents,we stay in the house instead of staying in a hotel. I waited there for about 5 minutes then the telecoms beeped and the housekeeper informed me of the arrival of shahid. When he entered the room all the lights were off but I could see him from some of the light that went through some parts the opaque curtain that was left open,he actually looked very confused though not scared.i always saw him as a very confident man and when I found out about him and Jadwa I was actually happy. I was happy about the fact that Abba was now mine but at the end he wasn't even worth it and I really regret what I did. It took me a while to get over it and I almost became addicted to smoking ,drinking and doing drugs then I met Asher,just like his name he brought happiness to me and he helped me go through everything and now that I have gotten Jadwa to forgive me,I must try my best to make her as happy as possible . The lights were then turned on,I was on a swivel chair,my back to him. When I turned he stared at me with disbelief,he looked different,distraught,tired so unlike him. "You?" He asked in disbelief. "Yes ,me" I said. "What do you want from me?" He said "I just want to help a friend of mine,someone I take as a sister actually and it'll do you good if you cooperate with me." I said staring at him dead in the eye. "Are you talking about Nusayba?" He asked clearly confused. "Nusayba ? The gods forbid it. I'm talking about Jadwa,your wife or should I say your ex wife since you kicked her and your son out." I said, at this point he was now sitting with more confusion on his face. "My son..... he's son is dead...." he said stammering. "He's not" I said as I went ahead to explain the story to him. "Shit,I've fucked up really back I just hope Jadwa and forgive me,it's actually not my fault. It's all Nudayba's doings" he muttered. "What do you mean by it's not your fault,it wasn't Nusayba that did all those bad things you did to Jadwa. Nusayba didn't disgrace Jadwa,it was you that disgraced her,Nusayba only pushed her off the stairs." I said. At these point I was very pissed off. "No that's not what I mean." He said in a very defensive way. "Then what do you mean?" I asked "enlighten me" I added. "Yes I agree I did a lot, I really did a lot of bad things to Jadwa and in fact I don't deserve to be forgiven and I don't have reasons but at some point I actually wanted to come and apologize to Jadwa. I wanted to tell her that even if she wasn't going to come back to me she should at least find it in her heart to forgive me,I was going to beg her till she forgave me" he said then stopped for a brief moment. "Then what stopped you from doing so?" I asked "I was getting there" he said making me stare up at him and give him a deadly stare." Nusayba,she was using something on me. Blue powder I think. It controlled my mind till a week ago when I found out that she was working for somebody. His name is shauriya,he once lived in Jadwa's family estate. He is obsessed with Jadwa and since Nusayba also seemed to be obsessed with me,he lured her into working with him so she could eliminate Jadwa, so Jadwa could be his and Nusayba could have me and since then I didn't know what to do. I was trying to figure out what to do." He said "I personally don't know what to tell you, Jadwa forgiving you is her personal choice ,she is a very forgiving person but you have done a lot of harm to her so I really don't know but I'll try,even if not for any reason,at least so that you could see her for a last time,clear up things with her and at least see your son for the first time" I said,I was actually feeling sorry for him,he seemed very sincere and I think he still really loves Jadwa because of how he talks about her and how eager and desperate he seems to want to clear up things with her and let's not forget the fact that I'm sure Nusayba is seducing him and he still hasn't done anything with her. "I'll try,I'll try to make you guys meet within the week but you have to be careful,this is your last chance and any fuck up will lead to into a lot of trouble " I said sternly . "Thank you so much ,please my son,she should come along with him" he pleaded. "No promises but I'll see what I can do and Jadwa goes every where with Hadar " I said "his name is Hadar?" He asked quietly. "Yes,Hadar Zamir Shahid" I said "she still uses my name as his last name,thank you so much thank you a lot for-" he murmured the first part though I heard him and he was trying to apologize and show gratitude when he was cut off by his phone ringing. He checked the caller ID and immediately went pale. "Who is it?" I asked "it's Nusayba" he said be fore answering the call,putting it on speaker and dropping it on the table between us. "Where are you please?" She asked though she sounded sad almost unlike her. "I went out for a bit ,what do you want?" He asked "please I need to talk to you,it's urgent" she said and hung up,we both stared at each other left in suspense.

An: hey guys,so much update in one day. Hope you're enjoying it. Please vote, comment and share. If there's any correction or idea you have please do well to tell me. I'm so sorry for not updating earlier and thanks for reading.

Stay safe
Sahlt cares

1211 words in total

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