Chapter 12.

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"What do you mean by that ,how can both of you love me and come together not fighting? Who even told you where I was?" I asked a bit angry frustrated but ok. "No body told us where you were, Snapchat,you were on the map" Adam said. I didn't even know what to do I just stood up and left and on my way home I got a call from my mum "ina wuni mama" I spoke on Hausa. "Lafiya" she said "I called to tell you that your brothers wife just gave birth and you need to come home for jego and all that" she continued "toh mama ,but when?" I asked "as soon as possible fah" she said . "Ok,I'll try and get a flight for tomorrow and I'll also inform Jazmine" we said our good byes and I headed home and had a warm shower. That's the distraction I need now,home sweet home. I thought as I fell asleep.

I went to Nana's side and she was sleeping. "Manan, I'm back" I said as I walked in ,then she slowly stood up and I knew she needed to drink water before her brain could function well until she walks for a while or something. She stood up and walked 5 steps then turned to me and smiled. "Wassup,did mama call you too?" She asked " no,she called?" I asked her confused "yea,she said that ya Aliyah gave birth" I said happily "seriously ,wow" she screamed "we need to go shopping,is it a boy or a girl,or even twins " she continued I smiled at the way she was happy and jolly .its been a while since I've seen her like that . "I can't wait to see Karan and Kiaana I'm sure they are all grown" I said also happy. "Let's call Nusy" she said . "Yea and also Jada " I said then I watched her smile turn into a frown ,I didn't want to ask questions so I didn't . We went for shopping and went on with packing .

When we were packing I received a call from a strange number. "Hello,who's this?" I asked " it's me Shaurya ,it's been a while" he said ,I was shocked I don't understand why all the boys in my past are coming back to me. "Oh,how are you?" I said trying to sound nice " I'm fine ,your mum said you're coming back tomorrow so I'm picking you at the airport,I just called to let you know " he said "oh ok,I'll see you tomorrow then" and I ended the call . Jazmine was looking at me like,spill it girl look 😂😂. "It was Shaurya ,the guy we once met in Nigeria,I can't even remember how we met" I laughed "oh,that guy. Why did he call tho?" She asked " he called to let us know that mum told him to pick us up tomorrow" I said holding my laugh coz I think Jazmine hates Shaurya some how "oh my days why that boy of all boys" she stomped like a child . I fell on the fall while laughing . "It's not funny seriously,let's continue packing ,one day it'll be your turn and I will so laugh at you" she said

We finished packing ,we ate,prayed and fell asleep . When we woke up we ate and went to the airport. Ontario airport,the flight was boring ,we were all sleeping .
We arrived at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport and Jazmine was already irritated at the fact that Shaurya is gonna pick us,I tried to hold my laughter back and a voice startled me. "Hello ladies" and behold it was Shaurya,I could see Jazzy side eyeing him😂😂💔

"Mamaaaaaa" I shouted as I walked into the house and saw my mum on the couch "Auta na ,how are you ?" She said hugging me and the Jazmine fake coughed making me laugh " haba Jazmine I didn't forget you my second auta how are you?" She asked making us laugh again, I'm fine. We got settled and ate then when to the hospital. "Yaya,congratulations " me and Jazmine said as we entered their ward. "Thank you,I missed both of you, see how you have grown" he said making me laugh. I was happy to see that my family was happy and Jazmine was back to her old self. "Aliyah ,is it a boy,girl,twins or even quadruplets " Jazmine asked . "Jazmine calm down,wait why is Manan acting so quiet ,this noise maker" Aliyah said making us laugh "haba I'm just saving my energy for later use" I said and they all laughed. "Well it's a boy " she said and now it was only three of us . "Ooooooolala ,y'all are planing on having a girl next right" I asked smirking and wiggling my eye brows. "Oh my God,Manan you're so nasty,please go back to being quiet" she said and we all laughed "hold on where is Baba?" Jazmine asked and it clicked me,we have all been exited and we didn't even notice that baba wasn't around . Then I noticed Aliyah shifted uncomfortably and I got worried. She was about to speak when Mama entered, we all decided to forget about it for now but I decided I was going to ask yaya later on.

We went home with the baby and were all seated in the sitting room,I saw Yaya going toward his sitting room and I used it as an opportunity to ask him were dad was. "Shalom" I said as I entered "shalom" he responded and I entered and sat on the floor . "Yaya where is Abba?" I asked nervously " he ,he " he stammered making me scared ya never stammers .

🌸Cliff hanger

An: how are y'all doing ,please vote,comment and share. We almost at 2k reads. If you want a shout out do those three. Shout out to immygee  , asmu97333  , Prince_miraj  y'all should read they're books.
Guess what happened to the father and tell me in the comment,please making me smile by tapping the star on the bottom of your screen.
Thanks y'all 🌸♥️
Lots of love🌹♥️
A total of 1051 words,I'll try and write more.
Stay safe ♥️
I love y'all ♥️🌸
Thank you🙂♥️

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