Chapter 15.

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Jadwas POV🍩
I walked away from him and when I got to Jazmines room she was still unconscious. I stayed with her and slowly fell asleep.

I heard some noises in the room and I woke up to see my mum and dad giving Jazmine some food. "Jazmine you're up? How are you feeling? I'm very sorry for what happened,it's all my fault. I'm very sorry" I said all in one breath. "It's ok,things happen for reasons and I don't know the reason but God knows best" she said as we both hug. "Jadu how are you?" Dad asked " I'm all fine,thanks to God" I replied. "That's very good" he said . Later on the doctor came in. "Mr Adam please could I see you in my office?" The doctor said and they both walked out and mum told me to go home and rest. I was walking to the car when I bumped in to something,no someone. I looked up to see Shahid. (An: shahid is Nahmir,I'm changing the name) "Hey ,how are you?" He said . "I'm fine thanks ,you?" I asked "I'm good, what brings you here?" He asked "my sister had a little accident but she's ok now" I  said to him. "Oh, I saw you last night. How is she now?" He asked "She's fine thanks" I said and walked away forgetting to ask him what happened.

Shahid's POV🍫
I walked after talking to Jadwa and I went to my mother ,I was in the hospital because my dad was very ill ,I haven't really been very close to my dad but it hurts me to see him in pain. I walked and saw my mum,sisters (they are twins , safeenah called feenah and nafeesah called feesah) and cousin crying. "Feesah me ya faru?" (Feesah what happened?) I asked in hausa. Non of them answered and I started loosing patience seeing my mum in tears. Then finally Falamata my cousin spoke. "Ya shahid it's Abba" she said "what's wrong with Abba?" I asked getting worried " Abba's condition has gotten worst and the doctor said he can live for only sometime and he might die anytime soon but the doctor also said that he could be discharged ,that a cure for his illness would be found. " she said and I realized I was crying . I have never actually obeyed my dad ,he always wants me to do things that I don't want to do and now I regret it and I promise to make him happy no matter how hard. "Shahid don't cry now,this is the moment in which we all need to be strong, God knows best, God knows the reason for allowing this happen. Let the reason be accomplished "mummy said hugging me. " Thank you mummy" I said .


•3 months later•

Its been sometime now and Jazmine has been discharged but of course with a lot of instructions from the doctor. Jazmine decided to go to Belfast permanently, I'll be graduating from university in the next 3 days and my fashion line is doing well . I am presently with Mum sitting down in the palour. "Jadu let's go and get a spa and then we'll come back home so you could rest ." Mama said and on the way she saw one of her friends , Aunty Saratu and left to speak with her and Aunty Saratu's daughters I think came towards me. They look awfully alike and then it hits me,they are twins and I love twins so much . "Hey I'm safeenah" one of them said ,they are both dark but you could see clearly the difference. "Hello" I said to her "Hi I'm nafeesah,you can call me Feesah and call her feenah" she said "I'm Jadwa ,you could call me Jadu" I said and they also looked familiar so I asked " what university do you both attend? " and Feesah who seems to be the one who talks more answered and realization hit me. They were attending the same uni as me. "Same, I also attend that" I replied. We did our shopping and coincidentally they were also getting ready for grad.

•grad day•
Today is our grad and I'm very happy ,I am presently sitting with mami and as my graduation party is taking place. "Jadu I want you to meet the son of my special friend" baba said . He whispered something to mama and she took me to Aunty saratu and I greeted her confused then I saw a guy standing with Feesah and feenah but he was backing me. Mama then called out to me and I turned and to my greatest shock it was Nahmir. "Jadwa how are you,congrats" he said smiling "I'm fine thanks " I replied " wait ,wait ,hold on." Feesah said " you know each other?" Feenah asked "yea we met on the day I dropped you off at school,we bumped into each other" he replied. "Wow that's nice" they both said . They told me Nahmirs real name was shahid and that nahmir is just a nick name .Weended the party with a lot of dancing and gisting  and finally the party was over then I retired to bed.

An: hey y'all,wassup with Shahid and Jadwa,should they get together or.......?!
Tell me in the comments.
Sahlt is acting crazy ,how can she write this (I'm also surprised 🌚)
We'll stay safe beautiful readers I updated two days ago so yea,fast updates i guess.
Stay safe♥️
Stay healthy💃🏽
Shalt cares🍪

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