Chapter 29.

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Recap: "I never knew we'll end up like this, I treated you badly and I know it,I didn't mean to but I ended up doing that. I'm very sorry. I love you a lot, no matter how much you make me angry or I hurt you always remember that i love you and I'll always be by your side,without you I'm incomplete coz you're my missing rib. I love you Jadwa Shahid. Happy anniversary." He said. I was at the verge of tears we wer now in our room already,I didn't even know what to say or do as I stood numb. He leaned in an kissed my tears away. Stared at my lips as I looked at his eyes,he then leaned in and kissed my lips and from then we became one. Through out the night,with love,moaning,togetherness,fear,happiness,joy and a lot of other feeling went through my mind and I was so confused on which to focus on. The night ended as I whispered an I love you to him.

Jadwa's POV 🥰
Mummy made us comeback because I was sick so we were now at Nnamdi Azikiwe airport. Our driver comes to pick us up and we proceed to the hospital first.
We get to the hospital and the doctor kept asking me some embarrassing questions like how am I feeling,the last time I had sex,the last time I was on my period and more nasty questions like that. I was then taken to the lab, I took a blood and a urine test and I was giving some medicines and was asked to come back in three days time. We went back home and everyone just kept asking how I was and everything, but of course someone had to say something stupid . "So is she pregnant,is she not pregnant?" Keana asked. "We don't know yet" shahid answered. "She has to be, I can't loose this bet" she said eyeing Billy. "You are really gonna loose it" Billy said . "Don't tell me you bet on my wife being pregnant"shahid asked. "Kinda" they both answered making him flick them.

Three days later
Shahid and I went back to the doctor and guess what, I am 2 weeks pregnant. I was happy,sad,excited,afraid..... just different emotions at once and from the minute that Shahid and the family as a whole found out that I was pregnant they all started to pamper me and Mami and Mummy even went to the extent of traveling out of the country to get stuff for the baby.

An: I just wanted to thank you for being patient coz this chapter and the ones to come took a lot of calculations. Please keep reading. By the way get ready and prepare yourself coz there would be a lot of time skips from now forward. In case you get confused about the Nusayba girl go back to the chapter where Jadwa was in Canada.

8 months later

It's been 8 months already and everything is ready for me to deliver . Everyone knows the gender of the baby we'll except me coz they refused to tell me and shahid and I are now living at our house and my friend Nusayba is here to help me through it all coz she's a certified midwife and I have to be careful in all I do now coz any slight mistake could hurt the baby. Nusayba also wanted to use this as a way to pay back coz she was unable to come for my wedding to Shahid. I was now in my room alone coz I decided to have a siesta and Shahid was not going to be home till about an hour ago. "Nusayba!!" I screamed so she could help me down the stairs to the garden in order for me to have my usual evening walk. After calling her name a couple of times again and she still didn't answer I decided to help myself. I carefully got up from the bed and proceeded towards the door of the room. Something was telling me not to leave the room, I don't know if it was my conscience warning me about the fact that shahid was going to get angry and scold me or it was just me being nervous about the fact that I haven't gotten up or walked all by myself for sometime now. I ignored the feeling and left the room I proceeded to the stairs looking around but there was still no sign of Nusayba, I was now getting worried coz she doesn't just leave the house like that on a normal bass, in fact she never leaves the house at all. I start going down the stair with the help of the railings and after I've gone down like quarter of the stairs I felt the presence of someone at my back, I then turned and I felt myself now rolling down the stairs then I was finally at the bottom of the stairs in a pool of blood,my body was full of pain and as I tried to keep my eyes open while I screamed out in pain the last person I saw was a Nusayba who stood on the stairs smirking at me. I then finally blacked out with all the pain in my body and all the pain in heart. The pain of betrayal,I prayed to God to take my life if it means saving my child.

An: yay she finally updated. I'm sorry for late update,I've been in school, I've been busy with exams and I've been very stressed out . I know this is not what y'all expected. That's the thing about this story it's really full of ups and downs. What do you think will happen next though. I will do a question thingy on Instagram. Follow me on Instagram Take care of yourselves and I'm sorry for my long authors note, I just really missed you guys.

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