Chapter 47: Return Of An Old Foe

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A week had passed since the incident at Equestria Land involving Vignette and her magically charged phone. Now that it was finally over, you, your girlfriends, Shadow, and his harem were able to enjoy the park without the threat of being digitized. Once the trip was over, you all said your goodbyes and headed home to turn in for the night. You then spent the next few days training for your upcoming run in with Patriot since he would most likely be powered by the Dark Amulet which meant that he wasn't going to go down that easily.

Currently, you were in your room prepping some of your stuff for the trip while Sunset and Shadow stood by your bedroom door.

(Y/N): *sigh* Of all the people to have gotten their hands on the Dark Amulet, why did it have to be Patriot?

Shadow Moonlight: I'm honestly shocked how he could've found it. I don't know what he's done with it but I don't think he could've done anything good.

Sunset Shimmer: Well, hopefully, we'll be able to take it from him before he gets any conniving ideas.

(Y/N): I hope so too, Sunshine.

As you finished packing the rest of your things, you looked over and noticed that Shadow's expression had grown nervous at the thought of seeing Patriot in person again. You understood why he felt that way. After you had left, Patriot was easily able to bully and torture him to no end. It's a wonder how he didn't do any permanent damage to Shadow. You couldn't help but feel a little saddened at not being there for him during that time. However, you reasoned that you could make it up to him now by being there with him during this excursion. You leaned over and patted his shoulder which shook him from his current train of thought as he looked back at you.

(Y/N): Shadow, you don't have to come with us if this is too much for you to handle. I don't wanna force you into situations you're not comfortable with.

He shook his head.

Shadow Moonlight: I'm not worried about me, Y/N. I'm worried about you. I know you have magic so you're much more capable of handling him than I am but now that we know that he has magic, he could match your power or worse, overpower you. I don't want to lose my friend.

He said while a few tears went down his cheek as he sniffled slightly. You sighed again at that.

(Y/N): I know, but Shadow, I'm not gonna be alone during this. Edge and the girls volunteered to come along during this, so it's not just gonna be me facing him.

Shadow Moonlight: W-Wait...EVERYONE'S GOING?! Oh, no, that's even worse!

He screamed before he stood up and started pacing around in your room.

Shadow Moonlight: Wh-When you said "girls", d-does that include the Shadowbolt girls?

(Y/N): No. I meant my girls. The Rainbooms.

Shadow Moonlight: Oh...well, that's still pretty bad! What would happen if Patriot manages to best all of you? What if he even manages to take your magic in the process and become even stronger?! What if he destroys all of Canterlot?! What if he-

He was silenced by a hard slap across the face. He looked to see you glaring back at him.

(Y/N): Shadow, shut up and calm down! You're already jumping to conclusions and it's not good for you. We don't know for sure what'll happen when we go see Patriot. That's why Edge has been training us for the past few days. He's been making sure that we're prepared for virtually anything. So, calm down and take a deep breath.

He stayed silent for a few seconds until he spoke.

Shadow Moonlight: But Y/N, do you have any idea what Patriot has been able to do? He's got the worst criminal record a kid could have! He's murdered people, he's robbed charities and homeless shelters, he once tried to sexually assault Sunny, and the list just keeps going! Point being, he's dangerous already without magic and having magic now only makes him even worse!

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