Chapter 20: All The Way To The Friendship Games!

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It was another bright and sunny day at the city of Canterlot as the city was full of the usual hustle and bustle of its citizens going about their usual businesses and such. However, all of that soon changed. The bright blue sky was suddenly covered by a large layer of darkened clouds as thunder and lightning ripped through them. The innocent people looked up in awe and curiosity at the sudden change in climate until a series of loud and thunderous clashes of lightning began to strike the nearby buildings and destroyed large portions of their structures. The citizens started running in terror until large walls of dark (F/C) flames stopped them in their tracks as a large shadowy being appeared before them.

The being was revealed to be the hooded figure as it raised its hands up and a dark (F/C) aura shone from them and shot several small energy beams at the now trapped residents. Slowly, their eyes became glazed over as their free-will was diminishing. Soon, the once happy people of Canterlot were now nothing more than a hoard of moaning, mindless zombies. The figure raised its hands once more which made even more flames appear as they engulfed the entire city. Through the chaos and destruction, one figure stood a distance away alone while watching the carnage unfold. They turned out to be you as you stood with a devastated and saddened look as your voice was caught in your throat.

(Y/N): N-No... NO! T-This can't b-be happening! H-How could I have let this happen!!

You looked up at the figure before an angry expression overcame your features as you brought up your hand to fire a blast at the figure. To your surprise, nothing more than a tiny little spark shot out and pathetically floated to the ground in front of you. You looked at your hand as fear started to overcome you. You tried firing again only for nothing to happen as the now colossal figure looked down at you with slitted dark (F/C) eyes as it began to cackle sinisterly.

???: Haven't you figured it out yet, you dolt? I've become more powerful than you could ever comprehend! Nothing can ruin my uprising, not even your incompetent, disgusting, pathetic excuse for a harem! Speaking of which...

It said before it raised a single hand and snapped its fingers. In a flash, the girls appeared before you only they weren't in a state that you wanted to ever see. They looked as though they didn't have the slightest bit of meat on their bones as their figures were nearly skeletal as if all the energy in their bodies had been completely drained. The worst of it was the fact that their eyes were also glazed over as well as the guttural moaning coming from their vocal cords. Your eyes widened in panic at the realization of the situation. The girls that you've come to know and love with all your heart were now just a group of empty-headed zombies much like the rest of the people. You hastily walked up to each of them in some desperate vain attempt at snapping them out of their current stupor.

(Y/N): G-Girls! Please, snap out of it! I need you!

Your words fell on deaf ears as they remained in their hypnotized state. You slowly back away from them before you fell to your hands and knees as you angrily punched the ground in sadness and anger at the sheer hopelessness of it all. The figure bellowed in laughter again as it started floating closer to you.

???: Aww, how the tables have turned, huh Y/N? Without your magic and your girlfriends, you're nothing but a powerless, useless little piece of crap. But don't worry...

The figure grabbed you and lifted you in front of its hood as its slitted eyes bore into yours.

???: ...I will be able to fix that... by making you as one of my brainless servants!

It's eyes began to glow as your eyes widened with dread and despair.

(Y/N): N-No! You can't!

???: Oh, but I can, and I will. Say goodbye... to your free will!

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