Chapter 55: Down One Savior

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(Jordanwolfboy9743: *walks into the studio with Shadow* *glares at him*)

(Shadowlight2784: What?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: You know what, Shad.)

(Shadowlight2784: *sigh* Look, we needed a fourth wall. Those two can deal without one.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Stealing is wrong and you know it, dude. Now, because of you, the real Shadowlight2784 had to openly explain to my 2784 counterpart the truth about him.)

(Shadowlight9743: Oh he'll get over it.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Oh really? Like how you "got over" your identity crisis when I told you the truth?)

(Shadowlight9743: Hey! I needed time to have a mental breakdown! That stuff isn't something you hear everyday!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *He pinches the bridge of his nose before sighing* But you didn't have to go crazy by shoving that plunger up Calvin's-)

(Shadowlight9743: Okay! Okay, I get it! *sigh* He wasn't exactly helping me feel better, you know.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: He didn't need to have that happen to him, though. Anyways, enough with that for now. Let's just get back to it.)

(Shadowlight9743: *groans* Fine.)

(2 Minutes Earlier)

In the dark realm, Shallow Moonshine can be seen looking down with a scowl on his face.

Shallow Moonshine: You really thought that your magic could contain someone like me? Someone who's a literal embodiment of anger itself? I really don't know who's more retarded, you or that pretentious dick who claims to be a savior that you casted away.

He then materialized a sword and held it up to his face while looking at his reflection in the blade.

Shallow Moonshine: Well, I guess the both of you are equally mediocre as well as incompetent and ruthless. But it won't matter when I'm done with you.

He turned and glared at the camera.

Shallow Moonshine: But since you have done more damage to others than he did, I think you should get the honor of being the first to die.

He asked as the camera turned around to see that he was talking to a very beaten looking V/N who was held by his limbs by magic. He had cuts, bruises, and gashes all over his body as a result of Shallow's torture. His chest slowly rose and fell as he glared up at his adversary.

(V/N): *cough* You really *cough* you really think torturing me is gonna make me fear you? I've gone through worse beatings from Grogar than anything you've cooked up for me so far. *cough*

Shallow Moonshine: Whoever said I wanted you to fear me? God! You're such a retard! I've stated multiple times that I intend to KILL you, not make you scared of me! And yet, for some reason, you just can't seem to process it!

He sighed before continuing.

Shallow Moonshine: Well, I guess your IQ of a goldfish won't matter once you're dead. Not to worry though, I'm going after Y/N as well because I intend to erase any and every part of him from existence itself. You and him have ruined Shadow's life. He was far better off without that self-centered dickhead as well as you making his life a living hell! So, your desire to have him deceased will come to pass. You just won't get the chance to deliver the final blow.

(V/N): *cough* If you feel like such a big man then do it, Shallow! Finish me off! I'd rather be dead than live in a world that took away everything that mattered to me! You might as well pull my plug because I've got nothing else to live for!

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