Chapter 17: More Girlfriends? ...No Problem!

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Hallelujah! I'm not dead! I feel fine and all those good quotes from the holy grail. Anyways, here you go guys, the latest chapter to The Savior Of CHS. I really wanna apologize for taking almost an entire month to update this story. It's just that I decided to take a little break for a while so that I could try and get my motivation to write back. I can't guarantee that chapters will be coming out very often, but I'll try to get to them when I can. Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy and I'm sorry again. Peace!

The sun's morning light beamed through the blinds of your bedroom window as you began to stir awake. Your eyes took a moment to dilate and adjust until you were able to take in your surroundings. You were about to readjust yourself in bed until you felt something on top of you that was stopping you. You looked down and saw Sunset Shimmer resting peacefully on your chest with her arms wrapped around your torso. Your face immediately burned red when she snuggled herself further up your chest as her head was just below yours now. 

That's when you remembered the events of yesterday before you smiled and held Sunset closer to you while also gently petting her head which made her smile in her sleep.

(Y/N): *thinking* Heh, I almost completely forgot about yesterday. It's funny, the girl who was once seen as the biggest bully at CHS is now my sweet and compassionate girlfriend. Life works in mysterious ways, it seems.

You thought to yourself before Sunset began to open her eyes as she smiled up at you.

Sunset Shimmer: Good morning, Y/N.

You smiled back at her.

(Y/N): Good morning, my sweet sunshine.

You said to her before she leaned up and gave you a sweet kiss to which you happily returned. The kiss lasted for a few moments before you both pulled away and smiled at each other.

Sunset Shimmer: Thanks for letting me sleep with you last night.

(Y/N): There's no need to thank me, Sunny. I was more than happy to let you do so. Also, feel free to join me any time you feel like it.

Sunset Shimmer: *giggles* I think I'll take you up on that offer.

She said before you both sat up in the bed and she playfully pushed your shoulder.

Sunset Shimmer: Now, come on lazy bones. As much as I wanna cuddle with you some more, my hungry stomach says otherwise. 

(Y/N): Yes, ma'am.

You said while saluting her. She giggled once more before you both got up and walked out of your room only to be greeted by your dad who had a huge smirk on his dopey face.

(F/N): *teasing* Well, well, well! What do we have here? My son emerging from his room with his girlfriend?

He said in a teasing voice. You sighed while Sunset blushed.

(Y/N): Yeah, yeah, dad. Make your jokes already.  

You said while unamused.

(F/N): Heh, I'm just teasing you son. Anyways, your mom is making breakfast. It's best that we don't keep her waiting.

He said before he walked ahead of you while you and Sunset stood for a brief moment.

Sunset Shimmer: Is he always like that?

She asked you. You sighed before sheepishly smiling.

(Y/N): Yeeeah. He's always been one of those kinds of dads who likes to tease me about certain things. 

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