Chapter 34: A Date With Your Timid Zoophilist

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The next morning, you woke up from your peaceful slumber when the sun's rays shined on you. You sat up and stretched before noticing that Applejack was nowhere to be found. You looked around the room until your eyes landed on a small note on your nightstand. You picked it up and read it.

"Dear Y/N,

I had to leave early to get started on some chores at Sweet Apple Acres, so I decided to let you sleep in. I had a wonderful time yesterday and I do hope we can have another day like that. Also, I prepared a little something for you for breakfast just before I left. I Love ya, hon.



You put the note down, got out of bed, and went downstairs. You looked and saw a plate of Apple Cider Snaps which surprised you.

(Y/N): *thinking* Woah, when exactly did Applejack wake up to make these in time before she left? Well, I guess she's an early bird given how much she works at the Apple Farm so it's not too far fetched but still. Anyway, I should probably get moving.

You took a cookie and munched on it before walking upstairs and getting yourself dressed. You walked out of your house and towards the one place you were expecting to find Fluttershy; The Animal Shelter. You walked in through the front doors and saw the timid animal lover feeding some puppies.

Fluttershy: *giggles* Here you go, little ones.

(Y/N): Hey, Flutters.

She jumped slightly at your voice before turning to you and smiling.

Fluttershy: Oh, hi, Y/N.

(Y/N): Are you ready for our date today?

Fluttershy: I sure am. Just give me a moment to make sure every animal here is well taken care of.

(Y/N): *sigh* You know, your kind soul is too good for this world, Flutters.

Fluttershy: O-Oh no. My soul isn't that good, Y/N. I've made so many awful mistakes before. One of them being quick to jump to conclusions with the others instead of talking with them.

(Y/N): Still though, your kindness really does shine amongst a sea of hate and despair.

Fluttershy: ~Aww, Y/N...

She came up and pecked your lips.

Fluttershy: You really know what to say, don't you?

(Y/N): It's a skill you gain when you have multiple girlfriends. Anyways, how about I help you out here?

Fluttershy: I would say you don't have to, but knowing you, you're probably gonna insist on helping, aren't you?

(Y/N): Heh, you DO really know me.

Fluttershy: You pick up on a few things after being around someone for so long. Okay, you can help me finish up here and then we'll be on our way.

(Y/N): Sounds like a plan, Flutters.

You helped her out with the animals for the next couple of minutes until every animal was contempt and happy.

Fluttershy: Alright, that's every animal taken care of. Let's go, Y/N.

(Y/N): With pleasure, Flutters. Right this way.

You led her out the doors and walked down the sidewalk while talking.

(Y/N): I'm sure you'll like the place I planned out for us, Flutters.

Fluttershy: Well, from what I heard from the others, you haven't let us down yet, so I trust you completely.

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