Chapter 45: Rollercoaster Of Friendship Pt. 2

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(*Jordan and Shadow sit with unenthusiastic faces before they both simultaneously sighed in annoyance*)

(Shadowlight2784: Of all the specials that they made, this one has got to be the worst.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* I know. But, whether we like it or not, we've gotta add it to the story.)

(Shadowlight2784: I think it was here where Equestria Girls started going downhill. So far, everything from the movie up to Forgotten Friendship was pretty good. They had flaws but at least they were enjoyable. This is just craving with fanservice.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, the sooner we get it done, the sooner we can get to the other arcs after that, especially the final arc where things will REALLY get interesting. So... let's just suck it up and get to it, Shad.)

(Shadowlight2784: As much as I hate to admit it, I think it's pretty clear that they gave up on EG after Forgotten Friendship but anyway, let's continue on with this abomination... the arc, I mean. Not the story.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* Let's do it.)

After the little incident with Shadow and his harem, you and him decided to see how Rarity was handling her new job along with Applejack. Currently, the four of you were walking through the parade prep area as Rarity was showing you all how everything was done.

Rarity: Y/N, Shadow, Applejack, this parade is a living, breathing dance of light and sound!

Some of the assistants came by to show her some of the designs as she commented on each of them.

Rarity: Love it, lock it, stitch it. Beautiful, perfect, I just threw up, love it. Now hurry up! I need these done yesterday!

(Y/N): Man Rarity, you've got quite the operation going on here.

Shadow Moonlight: Well, Rarity isn't one to slack off on the job, Y/N.

Applejack: You're not wrong, Shad. You were born for this, Rarity. Anythin' we can do to help?

Rarity: Play a great show tonight?

Something else then caught her eye as she turned to look with an annoyed expression.

Rarity: Excuse me! I know I am not seeing a lapped zipper on that faux fur!

She shouted at one of the assistants who was dressed like a certain familiar looking siren.

Shadow Moonlight: Is it me, or is that a mascot version of Adagio I'm looking at?

(Y/N): It's not you, Shad. I can tell you that much.

Rarity: A lapped zipper is simply a stuck zipper waiting to happen! Ugh! This is what I'm up against.

She said the last part while turning back to you.

Applejack: So, uh... wanna take a break and go get a caramel apple?

Rarity: I'd love to, darling, but I am a tad super-insanely busy. Heh.

Applejack: Of course. I-I just thought... Uh, never mind. You're right. I wouldn't wanna rain on your parade.

Shadow Moonlight: Uh, Applejack? I don't think you should've-

Rarity: Rain?! I didn't plan for rain! Get me one hundred ponchos, stat!

She screamed before walking off leaving the three of you alone.

Shadow Moonlight: ...said that.

(Y/N): *sigh* Well, looks like she's pretty occupied at the moment. Why don't the three of us just leave her to her work for now?

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