Chapter 49: A Rematch And A Long Awaited Confession

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You, Sunset, and Shadowlight entered his shadow realm and saw that the cage that used to contain Patriot was now wide open.

(Y/N): How on earth did he even escape?! I thought we took away the Dark Amulet.

Shadowlight: Judging from the contents of this note, I can only assume he had the help of someone. Some guy named Gavin.

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Wait, GAVIN?!?! But we killed him! How could he have left a note?!)

(Shadowlight2784: Moreover, how did he even get it in the story? We had him trapped in our studio the whole time.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Wait... is his black heart still in that glass container?)

(Shadowlight284: *looks over his shoulder* Yep. Still there.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Then... how?)

(Shadowlight2784: No idea, but now that it's become a plot device, we can't do anything about it.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *groans* We really can't avoid being part of the story, can't we?)

(Shadowlight2784: It just goes to show you what happens when you hire people on Craigslist, Jordan.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* You're right. Let's just... get back to the now improvised story.)

(Shadowlight2784: *mutters* I mean, it's been improvised right from the start but, whatever makes you happy, pal.)

(Y/N): *reading* Y/N, I'm sure you've noticed by now that me and your little emo friend have gone missing. Where have we gone? Where will you go? No worries, I won't leave you in the dark. Meet me over by the northern mountains in one hour so we can finally settle this like men. No magic. No tricks. Just a good clean fight. If you chicken out... well... you're smart so I assume I don't have to tell you. - Patriot.

You put down the note and looked to the floor with a now angered look.

Shadowlight: Dude, remember what we agreed on? Don't be like V/N. Don't let your anger get the best of you. You know Patriot's only trying to get into your head; it's what he wants.

Sunset Shimmer: He's right, Y/N. Don't let him know that he manipulated you.

You looked back up at them before sighing and calming yourself as you now looked concerned.

(Y/N): This... this has gotta be a trap of some sorts. There's no way he'd wanna fight without the Dark Amulet.

Shadowlight: You're right, there's something shady about this. No pun intended.

Sunset Shimmer: So, what can we do then? If Y/N doesn't go then Shadow will surely end up dead, but if he goes, Patriot might pull some trick on him.

Shadowlight: It won't matter if Y/N went, Patriot would still kill least, that's what he thinks. Listen guys, I haven't been too honest about what Shadow's capable of.

You and Sunset looked back at him curiously.

(Y/N): What are you talking about, Edge?

Shadowlight: There's a side to incredibly dangerous one that he's always kept hidden to himself. He's never told anyone about it, not even his own best friend. Only I know about it because...I've seen it with my own eyes. If you thought me being angry was frightening, then you haven't seen true horror yet.

Sunset Shimmer: It's... it's that bad?

Shadowlight: Trust me, it's really bad. It's one of the main reasons why he's allowed me to control his body over the years. He was afraid of letting this repressed side get the better of him. I's also the reason why he's always been so optimistic and accepting of all the negative and terrible things that happen to him.

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