Chapter 37: Movie Magic... And Unexpected Crossovers!

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(Jordanwolfboy9743: Before we get started with this chapter, I actually got a request some time ago.)

(Shadowlight2784: Um...for what exactly?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: One of my followers named, @LupinTheJoker285 asked if we could have a crossover with his detective character for this one chapter.)

(Shadowlight2784: Well, as long as it doesn't change the direction of the narrative too much, I'm down.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: No worries, I'm sure we'll make it so that he'll be just a help for us. He won't be a major character or anything.)

(Shadowlight2784: Sure, sounds like a plan.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Anyways, let's get to it.)

We fade into an exotic jungle area which was at the base of a large volcano while thunder and lightning roared through the skies above. A lone cloaked figure slowly walked up to it and stood as the wind blew their hood off revealing them to be an adult man who held an evil smirk.

Stalwart Stallion: *evil laugh* It is almost time. Once I have all three relics, no one will be able to stop me, and Marapore will fall! For I am Stalwart Stallion—!

Rainbow Dash: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

He was interrupted as the camera zooms out to reveal that he's part of a movie set as you, along with your girlfriends and Canter Zoom, were watching the whole thing.

Canter Zoom: Ugh! Cut!

Rainbow Dash: Sorry. But at this point in the story, Stalwart Stallion would be known as Mojo.

You all gave her a deadpan glare.

Rainbow Dash: What? You think he wants Daring Do fans to call him out for making a mistake like that?

(Y/N): It'll be fine, Dashie. Besides, I'm sure we can leave the criticisms up to Cinemare Sins once the movie has been released. And what happened to not interrupting during filming?

Rainbow Dash: Uh, hehe... sorry, Y/N.

You facepalmed in response as you turned to Canter Zoom.

(Y/N): I told you this was gonna happen.

Canter Zoom: *sigh* It's fine, Y/N. Let's just go again. *through megaphone* And this time, say "Mojo" instead of "Stalwart Stallion", 'kay? And action!

He directed his actor before someone used a clapper. Moments later, you, your girlfriends, and Canter Zoom were walking through the studio.

Rainbow Dash: I can't believe we're really here!

Sci-Twi: Thank you so much for letting us come, Mr. Zoom.

Sunset Shimmer: We promise we won't get in the way. Again.

She glared at Rainbow Dash who laughed nervously.

Canter Zoom: As a fellow Camp Everfree alum, I was more than happy to afford the students who helped save it the chance to visit the set of our little film.

Rainbow Dash: Eh-heh! Little? This is Daring Do we're talking about! This movie is gonna be huge!

(Y/N): Is there no end to your enthusiasm, Dashie?

Rainbow Dash: Not in a million years, babe.

Canter Zoom: Well, that's perfect for motivating us to finish the movie. It's unfortunate that Shadow couldn't make it, though.

(Y/N): It is. The student governor has a busy schedule but I'll tell him about it when we get back.

One of Canter's P.A. came up to him and whispered to him.

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