Chapter 5: A Friendship Mended

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Morning had finally arrived as you and Twilight made your way to the school via your teleportation technique. Spike was hiding in Twilight's backpack like last time as you made your way inside as the morning announcements came on.

Principal Celestia(On P.A. System): Good morning students and happy Thursday. Just a reminder to pick up your ballots for the Princess of the Fall Formal today. They are due at the time the dance starts tomorrow night so don't forget to turn them in and make your voice be heard.

(Y/N): Alright Twilight, today we need to figure out how we're gonna convince the students here to vote for you instead of Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight Sparkle: Right, but how are we gonna do that? Everybody here is too afraid to stand against Sunset Shimmer and I'm new here so no one really knows me.

(Y/N): Then we'll just have to introduce you to them. That way, it'll be easier to let them know that you're the type of princess that this school needs. I'll even vouch for you and tell everybody about you since I'm pretty well known here already.

Twilight Sparkle: Hmm, I like that plan. Hopefully it'll work because both of our worlds are counting on me winning this thing.

As you and Twilight began walking through the hallways, the other students took notice of the both of you before they began to murmur amongst themselves.

Tennis Match: Hey, isn't that (Y/N)?

Nolan North: It is.

Velvet Sky: Isn't that the new girl that he's with?

Blueberry Cake: Looks like it. I've heard of her actually. They're cousins apparently. Also, much like (Y/N), she stood up to Sunset Shimmer.

Watermelody: Really? She's gotta be really courageous if that's the case. We all know what Sunset does to people who so much as look at her funny.

Curly Winds: Let me tell you this though, if that girl is brave enough to back talk Sunset Shimmer, then that's the type of girl that I'd want for Princess of the Fall Formal.

Indigo Wreath: I agree. I'm voting for the new girl if you guys are.

They all nodded in agreement. You noticed this and you couldn't help but smile.

(Y/N): *whisper* Look at that Twilight. You're already gaining support from your fellow students.

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* Really? That's amazing! Hopefully, this'll keep going.

(Y/N): *whisper* I'm sure it will. Although, if Sunset Shimmer hears about this then she won't be happy. She'll most likely try any dirty trick to tilt the odds back in her favor. We've gotta be careful of both her and Snips and Snails.

Twilight Sparkle: *whisper* Got it.

As the two of you were walking, someone quickly grabbed you both and pulled you into one of the classrooms.

Twilight Sparkle: Woah, what the?

She said while feeling rather confused at what just happened as you and her looked at whoever pulled you in here. They were soon revealed to be Rarity as she quickly closes the door.

(Y/N): Rarity?

You said which got Twilights attention as she looked at her. It was followed by Spike poking his head out to also look at her.

Rarity: Hello, (Y/N) darling. It's so wonderful to see you.

She then looked at Twilight.

Rarity: You must be the new girl that I've heard so much about.

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