Chapter 18: A Date With Your Six Beauties

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It was a Sunday morning. It's been a day since your girlfriend count had gone up from one to six as you now had a harem filled with beautiful and amazing girls who you truly loved.

The morning sun slowly made its way over the horizon as its rays of light shined upon your home and through the windows of the living room. Your eyes fluttered open and squinted whilst trying to do their usual adjustments to seeing a bright light. As you took in your surroundings once more, you noticed that you were surrounded on all sides by something warm. You looked around yourself and saw that the girls had scooted so close to you that their bodies were touching different parts of yours. Sunset, Applejack, and Rarity were situated on your torso with their heads on your chest, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were wrapped around your legs, and Pinkie Pie was hugging your head like a teddy bear. Thankfully, she wasn't squeezing hard enough to cut off your breathing. You couldn't help but smile at this before having a personal thought.

(Y/N): *thinking* Well Jiminy Jillikers Batman, it appears that I'm in a little bit of a cute predicament. How am I gonna be able to sit up and stretch without disturbing any of these six beauties before me?

You thought to yourself as the girls slept peacefully... well... all of them except for a certain pink haired party girl who instantly sprung up as soon as the rays of the sun touched her face.

Pinkie Pie: Morning everyone!

She shouted which snapped everyone else out of their restful sleep with some of them groaning.

(Y/N): *thinking* Well... ask and you shall receive it seems.

Rainbow Dash: Ugh, Pinkie! Did you have to wake us up so loudly? I was having a really amazing dream.

She asked in a slightly annoyed voice while Pinkie only giggled in response. Sunset, Rarity, and Applejack sat up which finally allowed you to do so as well.

(Y/N): Morning girls.

You said with a smile. All of them turned to you at once and smiled upon seeing you.

(Hu)Mane 6: Morning Y/N.

They all said before taking turns giving you a morning kiss. You stood up and stretched each of your limbs trying to get the tired feelings out of your body. After you were done with your morning stretches, you turned back to your six new girlfriends.

(Y/N): So, how'd everybody sleep?

Sunset Shimmer: Well, besides Pinkie's rude awakening...

She said before slightly glaring at the poofy haired girl who only smiled widely in response.

Sunset Shimmer: ...I slept great.

Rarity: Wonderfully.

Rainbow Dash: Best sleep I've had in quite a while.

Fluttershy: Great.

Applejack: Mighty fine.

Pinkie Pie: Fantastic!

You nodded before you suddenly perked up upon having an idea.

(Y/N): Hey, if you're all up for it, maybe we can all go out for the day?

Rainbow Dash: You mean like a big date with all of us together?

She asked to which you nodded. One by one, they each smiled at your idea.

Sunset Shimmer: Sure.

Rainbow Dash: I'm up for it.

Rarity: So am I.

Applejack: Count me in.

Pinkie Pie: Sounds like fun!

Fluttershy: Okay.

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