Chapter 3: All Around Me Are Familiar Faces

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You and Twilight were just about to begin exploring before you pulled her aside.

Twilight Sparkle: What's wrong (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Twilight, I think it's best that you don't tell anybody that you're a pony princess from another dimension or that magic exists.

She grew confused by your request.

Twilight Sparkle: What? Why?

(Y/N): For the first part, really think about this Twilight. How would you react if you were someone in this dimension that has no magic of any kind were told by another person that they were a pony princess from another dimension who had the ability to control magic? You'd probably think they were crazy.

Twilight Sparkle: Hmm, good point.

(Y/N): As for the magic part, much like the first reason, people won't believe that you have magic and if they do believe then they'll most likely shun you for it and you'd be a social outcast... like I would.

Twilight Sparkle: Wait, you never told anybody about your magic?

(Y/N): Well... no, I haven't. The only people that know are my parents. If I did reveal my magic to the public, they'd treat me like I'm some kind of horrific monster. I'd be outed by society or worse. I'd probably be taken to some secret government lab and experimented on. I just... *sigh* I just can't take that kind of risk. Can you please understand that?

Twilight wanted to say that you would most likely be wrong about being shunned, but she didn't want to argue so she decided to comply.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay. I won't tell anypony. If it's that important to you, then I won't say a word.

You smiled at her after hearing her answer.

(Y/N): It is... thank you. By the way, in this world we say anybody instead of anypony. That also applies to the other words too like nobody or everybody.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, okay.

(Y/N): Now let's think of a cover story.

The both of you took a moment to think. After about a minute, you finally came up with a story.

(Y/N): How about this? You are my cousin who had to stay with me and my parents because your parents went on a month long business trip.

Twilight Sparkle: Hmm, I think that'll work. What if we run into Sunset?

(Y/N): We'll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it I guess. But, we'll have to be careful for when we get it from her. We don't know exactly where she's hidden it so we may have to make you a student here. We'll need to talk to principal Celestia to get you enrolled. Besides... I kind of need to go there anyways.

Twilight Sparkle: Why's that?

You then had a sheepish look on your face.

(Y/N): I'm uh... I'm kind of late for school. Heh heh.

Twilight gave you a look that could only be described as a *Really?* look.

Twilight Sparkle: Seriously?

(Y/N): Hey, it wasn't my fault or anything. It's just that my clock broke in the middle of the night and I overslept. Everybody has days like that so cut me some slack.

Spike: That does seem like a legitimate reason.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, one more thing. Spike, animals aren't particularly known to talk in this world so you should resort to barking for now.

Spike: Oh, okay then.

With your cover story thought up and a plan in mind, you and Twilight were about to explore the school before the bell rang and a plethora of students began to walk through the hallways. This overwhelmed You, Twilight, and Spike as you scrambled to get through the crowd. You finally made it back to Twilight as you lead her through the crowd but this lead to her leg getting stuck in between some students. She pulled hard before she freed herself and accidently rolled backwards and into someones knee.

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