Chapter 44: Rollercoaster Of Friendship Pt. 1

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(Jordanwolfboy9743: How's it going, guys? Jordanwolfboy here! Today, Shadow and I... wait... *looks around and notices Shadow missing in action* Um... where's Shadow? *looks off to the side and calls out to Calvin The Intern.* Calvin! Where's Shadow? *listens to his answer* You don't know?! *groans* Hang on, give me a sec!)

(*pulls out phone and dials a number*)

(Neptune [Over Phone]: TheNintegaGuy residence.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Neptune? Is... is that you?)

(Neptune [Over Phone]: Oh, hi Jordy! What's up?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, I was calling Nintega, but I wasn't expecting you to answer.)

(Neptune [Over Phone]: Yeah, he's busy with something right now, so I decided to answer his phone for him. What can I do for you?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: You wouldn't happen to have seen Shadow lately, have you?)

(Neptune [Over Phone]: Umm, I don't think so. He hasn't really-)

(Shadowlight2784: *slams door open* THREE DAYS! THREE! FREAKING! DAYS!!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *stares with scared eyes* I-I-I-I'll have to call you back, Nep.)

(Neptune [Over Phone]: Uhhh, okay. See ya, Jordy!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Bye, Nep. *hangs up as Shadow walks in* Dude, where'd you go? We're just about to start.)

(Shadowlight2784: *groans* It took me three days just to finish one chapter! One chapter of The King of CHS remake! God, I was really hoping that it wouldn't take that long! *sigh* Sorry to make you wait like this, man.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Hey, don't worry about it. Look, if you need some time to work on your story, then I can wait.)

(Shadowlight2784: No, no. I said I would help you out with this story and that's what I'm going to do. I just decided to make my own story while waiting for you to get prepared. I wasn't expecting it to take three days, though.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well... if you insist. Anyways, I was just about to get started on the Rollercoaster Of Friendship Arc.)

(Shadowlight2784: Well then, let's not waste anymore time and get to it. We don't want to keep the viewers waiting, now do we?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: No, we do not.)

It's been two weeks since your training session with Edge and your girlfriends. During that time, you've been practicing with your newly acquired magical skills and seeing how they can help you in combat. With enough training, you and the girls seemed to get the hang of it after a while. Throughout all of it, you managed to keep the Light Amulet close to you any chance you had as you kept searching for the Dark Amulet. After a while, you all decided to take a short break from searching. You planned to visit the new theme park that was opening up soon called Equestria Land.

Speaking of said theme park, we see the park in all of its splendor and glory.

Speaking of said theme park, we see the park in all of its splendor and glory

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