Chapter 53: The Savior's Groundhog Day Pt. 1

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It had been a few days since you and Shadow had ran into Hollow Moonshine and since the events that transpired after that involving splitting Shadow and Shallow from each other as well as reuniting with Shadowlight. When you and Shadow had brought him back through the portal, your girlfriends were more or less shocked by hearing that he had "died" in a sense. They were even more shocked by Hollow's sudden appearance as they didn't trust him at first much like you did. However, thanks to yours and Shadow's testimonials, the girls decided to give Hollow a chance to earn his place on the team.

Now, Hollow's become a new installment to the Moonlight family as Shadow had convinced his parents to allow him to stay with them a few days earlier. They seemed ambiguous at first due to Hollow's history with V/N but, they were quick to change their minds seeing as how he was born from an evil entity. As for Shadowlight, Shadow decided to make a necklace out of his gem and now wears it as a pendant like the one he used to have before you had smashed it to pieces at the Spring Dance.

Right now, you were walking through Canterlot city by yourself while idly whistling and thinking to yourself.

(Y/N): *thinking* Man, things just keep getting stranger and stranger the longer I spend in Canterlot. I mean, magic has pretty much become part of the norm here in this world at this point and we've also had one of V/N's minions, his right hand man I might add, betray him and join our side. Jeez, if I ever had an autobiography, it would surely sell like lava cakes.

As you continued to walk, you sighed sadly before having another thought.

(Y/N): *thinking* *sigh* I know that we said that the cruise on board the Luxe Deluxe would be the one to cap off the summer, but we all know how that ended. It'd be nice to have just one thing. ONE thing to do that would be great without Equestrian magic getting in the way. If fate would allow us that kind of luxury, I'd be comple-

Your current train of thought came to an abrupt end as you suddenly stopped and froze like a statue when something out of the corner of your eye caught your attention. You looked to the right to see a pinboard with several flyers detailing different city events or activities coming up real soon. However, the one that had you the most intrigued was a small flyer that sat in the very middle. You walked closer and read what it had to say.

(Y/N): *reading* Come join us at the Starswirled Music Festival. A weekend event dedicated to the most popular musical arts. Marvel our ginormous neon garden, take part in an art show, and enjoy the free food and games. But, best of all, be prepared to have your socks knocked off when witnessing two best friends getting back together for one incredible night. That's right, it's the pop duo themselves... *speaking* P-POST CRUSH?!?!

You shouted loudly, gaining curious stares from several nearby civilians. You chuckled nervously before examining the flyer more closely. At the very bottom of the poster was a picture of two girls who were around your age. The girl on the left had light brilliant cerise hair with light brilliant magenta and pale light blue violet highlights, pale cyan skin, and brilliant sapphire blue eyes. The girl on the right had very light blue violet hair with very pale cyan and light brilliant magenta highlights, pale yellow skin, and brilliant cobalt blue eyes.

 The girl on the right had very light blue violet hair with very pale cyan and light brilliant magenta highlights, pale yellow skin, and brilliant cobalt blue eyes

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