Chapter 31: A Date And Redo Date With Your Adorkable Nerd

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You woke up in bed and looked to your left while holding Rainbow Dash who was still asleep and smiling in her sleep as you held her.

(Y/N): *thinking* As abrasive as she can be at times, she can be quite adorable during the others.

You then got an idea as you slowly unfurled Rainbow's arms from around yourself as you quietly stepped out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. Moments later, you had prepared some breakfast for you and Dashie. Speaking of said rainbow-haired girl, she came downstairs while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

Rainbow Dash: Ugh. What time is it?

(Y/N): About ten in the morning or so.

Rainbow Dash: Oh...

(Y/N): So, how'd you sleep?

Rainbow Dash: Heh, really good since you were there.

(Y/N): And it was my pleasure to do so. Here, I made you breakfast.

She sat down at the table as you put her breakfast in front of her.

Rainbow Dash: Looks delicious, Y/N babe. Thanks.

(Y/N): With pleasure, Dashie.

She began to chow down on the breakfast you made her as you couldn't help but smile. It wasn't long before she finished as a loud belch escaped her mouth.

(Y/N): Geez, you could at least say "excuse me".

Rainbow Dash: Ugh. You're starting to sound like Rarity, Y/N.

(Y/N): *sigh* Well, there are times where I have to.

Rainbow Dash; Whateves. So, you're taking Sci-Twi out today?

(Y/N): Yep. Shadow told me that I'm the first boyfriend she's ever had, so I intend to be the best towards her.

Rainbow Dash: Heh, when are you not the best?

(Y/N): Since never.

You both chuckled as you were done making your own breakfast as you sat down with Dashie at the table. Meanwhile, at Sci-Twi's house, she was getting ready for her date with you and called Shadow over to help give her a hand. At the moment she was just about done fixing her hair while looking in a mirror.

Sci-Twi: Oh, I'm so excited for my uh..."hangout" with Y/N!

Shadow Moonlight: You still refuse to call it a date even though you're both already together?

Sci-Twi: Tomato, tomahto, Shadow. Now, ask me how we're going to do it! Go on, ask!

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* How are you gonna do it?

Sci-Twi: First, we're gonna peruse the exhibit on gravitational fields for thirteen minutes. Then, we'll marvel at the vastness of the universe during the planetarium show. And finally, we'll enjoy cups of hot cocoa and casual conversation as we spot constellations in the night sky.

Shadow Moonlight: Sounds like you've really had a lot of time on your hands, Twi. Though, you're sure it isn't too much for one "hangout"? I mean, knowing Y/N, he's flexible with just about anything so he won't mind but still.

Sci-Twi: No! It's all going to go exactly as I planned! Perfect, that is!

Shadow Moonlight: If you say so. I wouldn't be that presumptuous but then again, you seem to know what you're doing.

Sci-Twi: Of course! This'll be our first da-"hangout" together! Everything has to be and will be perfect just like he is!

Shadow Moonlight: Listen, Y/N isn't a bad guy but you think you may be relying too much on this relationship for your happiness?

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