Chapter 42: Forgotten Friendship Pt. 2

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We cut back to the human world where we see the girls continuing their fun in the sun at the beach. Pinkie walks up to Sci-Twi while holding one of her special sunscreen cupcakes.

Pinkie Pie: We've been out here a while. Time to reapply!

She said as she started rubbing the cupcake over certain parts of her body including her face. Sci-Twi then got a concerned look on her face.

Sci-Twi: I've been thinking...Should we be worried about Y/N L/N?

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah! Worried he comes back. I really hope Shad's come to his senses by now. The last thing I want is him to be brainwashed by Y/N.

???: I agree.

They heard someone say off to the side as they looked and saw Trixie sunbathing herself.

Trixie Lulamoon: I think it's a shame the way he's treating you, pretending to be your friend. He's obviously up to something. Y/N thinks the whole school exists just to serve him. Water please!

She snapped her fingers which prompted Snips and Snails to get her some.

Trixie Lulamoon: Serves him right, if you ask me. Anyways, Trixie's been meaning to ask you, Sunset. When do you plan to put me in as "The Greatest and Most Powerfullest?"

Sunset Shimmer: *sigh* *sarcasm* You just have to be in the book, don't you? Because we all definitely care about your ego. *speaking* Look, it's not a superlative, it's not going to be a superlative and that's final! And didn't we have this conversation yesterday? I can't quite remember.

The others thought of that too before they shrugged it off.

Applejack: Uh...

Fluttershy: Hmm.

Trixie Lulamoon: Maybe we did, maybe we didn't. Memory is such a fickle thing. You never know when you'll forget something important. Like how Great and Powerful I am, which is why I need to be in the yearbook!

Sunset Shimmer: *sigh* *thinking* I swear, there's just no reasoning with her. *speaking* I'll tell you what, I'll think about it, Trixie.

Trixie Lulamoon: That's all I ask.

We then cut back to you, Twilight, and Shadow as you now had a plan in mind for what you were going to do.

(Y/N): Maybe the photos we took together could remind them.

Shadow Moonlight: That won't work. They could easily claim that you photoshopped yourself in.

(Y/N): We still need to at least try, Shad. We now know what we're looking for.

Twilight Sparkle: The Memory Stone. I'll stay here and search the restricted section top to bottom until I find a way to get your friends' memories back.

(Y/N): Thanks, Twi.

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, thanks. I can't stand the idea of people being mean to my best buddy for no reason. Though...maybe it wasn't you. You think V/N pretended to be you and that's why they're mad?

(Y/N): No, I don't think so. They know about V/N and they know what he looks like. They're not stupid enough to fall for that...unless he found a spell to disguise himself. But, I doubt it's that. The girls have no memory of me being good, so it's gotta be the Memory Stone.

Shadow Moonlight: It's weird but I feel like I've seen that stone before.

Your eyes widened before placing your hooves on his shoulders.

(Y/N): Really?! Where?!

Shadow Moonlight: It's a bit of a blur but I could've sworn it was in the woods somewhere. I think I remember digging it up and giving it to someone. It's hard to remember who though.

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