Chapter 54: The Savior's Groundhog Day Pt. 2

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(The "Next", "Next", "Next" Day)

The morning sun once again rose on "another day", as your alarm went off once more which earned a tired groan from you. You reached over and turned it off before rubbing your eyes to rid them of sleepiness until they widened upon getting a good look at your surroundings. You saw that you were no longer on the roof as you were last night, but instead, you were back inside the RV with Sunset sleeping soundly... which meant...

You hastily stood up, got dressed, and headed outside in order to test your theory. Sure enough, when you stepped outside, everyone was once again acting the same as they did the last few times. You looked over and gasped at seeing your best friend Shadow being alive and well again while chatting up a conversation with Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy.

Your eyes started to water and a smile slowly spread across your lips as you slowly inched over to him. In an instant, you wrapped your arms around him and gave him a back hug much to his and everyone else's confusion.

Shadow Moonlight: Uhhh... morning, Y/N. Are... you feeling okay?

He asked with a raised eyebrow. You quickly backed away and rubbed the back of your neck with a sheepish grin.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah. I'm good, Shad. I just... wanted to give you a behind hug. *thinking* THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, EQUESTRIAN MAGIC!!!

Shadow Moonlight: Um...since when do you give behind hugs to me? Isn't that something you do exclusively for your girlfriends?

(Y/N): U-Uh...

The both of you are soon cut off by Rainbow Dash passing by while shouting a familiar phrase.

Rainbow Dash: Starswirled day one! Come and get it!

She shouted as she once again swatted Sunset's butt with her custom-made paddle.

Sunset Shimmer: H-Hey!

She snapped at Rainbow as she rubbed her bottom in pain.

Rainbow Dash: Oh! Uh, sorry. I'll be more careful from now on.

Shadow Moonlight: You alright, Sunset?

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah, I'm fine, Shad. Not gonna let a little thing like intense pain ruin this perfect day!

Shadow Moonlight: Heh. Took the words right out of my mouth.

He chuckled as he walked over to her. As he did, you stood silently while grinning as widely as you could manage.

(Y/N): *thinking* I not only got my best friend back, but I also get to experience this festival as much as I want! This time loop is the best thing to ever happen to me!

(Thirteen "Days" Later)

You were now seen pouting while standing somewhere else in the festival.

(Y/N): *thinking* This time loop is the worst thing to ever happen to me.

You looked off to the side to see Sandalwood standing just a few feet away from you before you looked behind you to see Snips walking towards the both of you with an ice cream cone. With an uninterested tone of voice, you spoke to yourself.

(Y/N): Cue Snips, and push Sandalwood out of the way in three, two...

Snips: You stage direct— Whoa!

He shouted as he tripped and his ice cream flew into the air and nearly hit Sandalwood but you pushed him out of the way in time. He walked away as Snips, who was still on the ground at the time, looked back up at you.

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