Chapter 25: Forests And Magic And Camps, Oh My!

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Three weeks had passed since you had your hangout with Shadow Moonlight and Flash Sentry. In between that time, you, your girlfriends, and all of CHS were continuing to raise money for this special surprise field trip to who knows where. Although, thanks to your talk with Shadow and Flash, you had a sneaking suspicion that the place you were going to was Camp Everfree. You informed the girls about this as they too had begun to speculate that that's where you'd be going. Your hypothesis was proven to be true as when you finally had gained the money you needed, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna had informed all of CHS that the trip was, in fact, for visiting Camp Everfree for about a week.

After receiving such news, you felt somewhat conflicted as to how you should feel about that. On the one hand, you were delighted that you got to spend a whole week with your girls while camping which was something you really enjoyed doing as a kid. On the other hand though, you felt a little bit worried. You remember Shadow telling you that the place was close to being shut down and was in serious debt. It was honestly a shame to you since it seemed like this would be the first and last time you would ever visit this camp.

Right now you were sitting at a lunch table with your harem, Flash, and Shadow enjoying lunch together until Shadow brought up the elephant in the room.

Shadow Moonlight: So, tomorrow you guys go on your trip, huh?

(Y/N): Yeah, we are. You were right about before, Shadow. About how the place we're going to is most likely Camp Everfree.

Shadow Moonlight: Well, it may have been a few months since I was last there but I don't think it's that worn down. I'm sure there's a lot of other worse places they would have taken you to.

Sunset Shimmer: Such as?

Shadow Moonlight: You really want to know?

Sunset Shimmer: Eh, why not?

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* Well, there's the abandoned zoo, a literal museum about rocks, and there's also the rundown water park.

Pinkie Pie: Rock museum? That's the place my older sister, Maud works at.

Shadow Moonlight: No, Pinkie. That's the Museum of Geology. This other museum just has a bunch of rocks that you find on the ground everyday and probably some boulders but that's pretty much it.

Rainbow Dash: Seriously? How does a place like that even exist?

Shadow Moonlight: Beats me. I'm surprised they even got the budget to build the place. It's got the word "boredom" written all over it. Though, it does have free admission which kinda makes sense but I don't get how they manage to stay in business for so long.

(Y/N): You and me both, bud. So anyways, who runs Camp Everfree by the way?

Shadow Moonlight: Some people you might be familiar with, Y/N. Do the names Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce ring a bell?

Your eyes widened at hearing those names.

(Y/N): Wait, Tim and Glori?! They run the camp?!

Shadow Moonlight: Yeah, it was a big shock when I saw them in their parents' place.

Rarity: You two are acquainted with them?

(Y/N): Yeah, we are. Back when we were kids, Shadow and I were really good friends with them... well... before they moved away that is.

Shadow Moonlight: *sigh* It felt as if my friends kept disappearing from me left and right but as they say, let bygones be bygones.

(Y/N): Hey, you remember the day we first met them?

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