Chapter 2: A Princess With A Problem

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A month had passed since your first day at CHS. You had made some new friends from not just Flash Sentry and the girls, but a few of the other students as well. Much like how you did at your old school, you pretty much made it a habit to help your fellow students no matter how big or small their problem was. As a result, your popularity had skyrocketed. Your fellow students would always smile and wave at you or they would sometimes pat your back in a respectful manner.

However, despite the fact that everyone now had a great deal of respect for you, there was one particular person who was not so friendly towards you. That person was none other than the bully queen Sunset Shimmer. Everytime the two of you had met, she would try to find some way to humiliate or torture you. These efforts would always be in vain as you were always able to maneuver your way out of any trick that she had for you. If she wasn't able to do it herself or if she was too busy with something else, she would always send her two idiot henchmen Snips and Snails after you. Much like their boss however, they too weren't having any luck with you. You really had to stop and think a few times at the thought of what exactly they saw in her to stand by her side and do her bidding. 

There were a few times that you wondered why she was doing all of this in the first place. Why did she want to rule the school all this time? What did she hope to accomplish by doing all of this? These thoughts were always rattling around inside your brain every day since you got here.

Anyways, one particular morning your alarm clock had decided that it wanted to kick the bucket and just up and die on you in the middle of the night which of course meant that the alarm was turned off. You woke up and you realized what time it was by looking at your phone before you hastily got yourself ready. You instantly teleported yourself to the side of the school and you ran around to the front and you had to stop to take a breather.

(Y/N): *pant* Jeez, *pant* why did my alarm clock *pant* just decide *pant* to die on me?! Thank the stars *pant* that I have teleportation!

You panted for a few more seconds before you regained your breath and made your way towards the doors. As you were walking however, you noticed a peculiar glow emanating from the horse statues bottom part. Your eyes widened as you jogged over to it. 

(Y/N): Huh... am I about to have a life changing experience? Sweet!! My horoscope was right! 

You waited with much anticipation as the mirror glowed brighter and brighter. You put on a huge smile as you closed your eyes and crossed your fingers on both of your hands.

(Y/N): Please be cyborg ninjas! PLEASE be cyborg ninjas!

You waited for a few more seconds before the light became blinding as two figures popped out of it. You quickly opened your eyes and looked down at what had just came through the mirror. You couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at what you saw. One of the figures was a tiny dog with light mulberry fur with a light spring budish gray underbelly and light lime green ears. It's eyes were moderate pistachio green while the tuft of hair on it's head was a moderate harlequin.

 It's eyes were moderate pistachio green while the tuft of hair on it's head was a moderate harlequin

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