An Angel

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After their late lunch both Mew and Gulf head over to the packhouse in silence as Gulf close his eyes and enjoy the moment. Upon arriving at their mansion Gulf quickly head over to their room and freshen up without mutter a word to anyone.

"Alpha is Luna okay?" asked the small pack member who happens to look at Gulf speed walk towards the second floor.

"Your Luna just need some time to calm down after the fiasco bub" said Mew as he smile at the small girl who nod her head and walk away.

Mew then head over to his home office wanting to give some time to Gulf as he has tons of works to settle too.

10 minute later as Mew was concentrate on his work all of the sudden his office door thrust open and in walk Gulf with a dishevelled hair.

"Mew!" scream Gulf unexpectedly loud even to himself as he startles a little before he walks over to Mew who look at him in puzzled.

"Yes?" answer Mew in a question.

"When you come and rescue me did you see a small boy with a brown messy hair?" asked Gulf in a hurry.

"No mate, why?" asked Mew as he stands up and was about to hold Gulf hand but didn't as he walk over to Mew's office window.

"That's weird" murmur Gulf as he shakes his head with a knitted eyebrow while he looks outside at the window.

"Mew, mind link Kokliang as him to come here now, urgently," said Gulf as he looks at Kokliang from the second-floor house office.

The moment Mew mind linked Koklinag he quickly bolted inside the house with San in tow and in a few minutes they both were inside the room.

"Luna. You okay?" asked Kokliang as he walks over to Gulf.

"Kokliang when you come to rescue me did you see a small boy with a brown messy hair, torn black shirt and a cargo pants?" asked Gulf as he holds both Kokliang's arms.

"I-I-I... I.. ermm I.." stutter Kokliang as he look left and right while look down before he look at San's direction for help.

"Yes, Luna we did saw him," said San as he looks at Gulf who instantly locks his eyes at San.

"Then where is he?" asked Gulf as he let go of Kokliang's arms and head over towards San but halted the moment San reply his question.

"The small boy, he didn't make it Gulf," said San truthfully in a small yet gentle voice.

Gulf halted his action, look down on his feet before all of the sudden Gulf stumble forward but didn't fall as he shakes and cries silently on the spot while Kokliang who was the nearest to him quickly hug him. Mew then comes forward and hug Gulf while Kokliang moves away silently crying looking at his best friend who never shades a single tear.

Gulf was crying silently while hugging Mew tightly as Mew carry him to the sofa and gently stroke his back in a soothing manner.

"Shh... it's okay love... I'm here" said Mew while stroking Gulf's back as he still silently cry.

"He's dead Mew that boy is dead, the boy who helped me by giving risking his life to inform your warrior, Mew. The angel is dead" said Gulf in a broken voice as he hit Mew's arms a couple of time.

"He's dead Mew, what will I tell his family?" asked Gulf as he hit Mew's arm again.

"That he's a hero and a warrior. He helped all of you to escape from that hell hole, for that he's an Angel watching over us all up in heaven" said Mew in a small and smooth voice as if trying to talk to a child just so he can calm Gulf down.

"Yes Luna, he's an Angel," said Kokliang as he hugs Gulf from behind in which Mew open his arms for his little brother to snuggle.

"The boy's body?" asked Gulf in a small voice as he looks up at Mew.

"With the rest of his family" reply San who stands beside them.

"Let me see his family," said Gulf as he stands up wanting to walk out from the room.

"You can't Gulf, the little boy's body... his body.." said Kokliang in a struggle as he hugs San and started to cry again.

"The boy's body has been burned with the rest of his family," said San as he hugs Kokliang soothe his mate down.

Gulf then look away from them as he close his eyelid in a tight shut action trying to prevent his tears to flow down but fail miserably. He then plops on the sofa still close his eyes shut while hanging his head low.

Both Kokliang and San exit the room leaving Mew and Gulf behind as they both needed to calm their mates down.

"Baby... Gulf.. I'm here my mate" said Mew as he hugs Gulf who finally let out his voice and cry.

Gulf feels sad and lost as he couldn't prevent a misfortune happen to that small boy as he deserves more than that hell hole.

"He's still small Mew, yet.. yet he was brave to help me," said Gulf as she sniffed cry.

"He is brave love, the bravest of all and he's an angel who watches over you now," said Mew as he hugs Gulf tightly.

A few minutes of heavy crying, Gulf sniffle uncontrollably before he passes out while still in Mew's arms. Mew was in shocked and he quickly mind linked the pack doctor to meet him at his room. After examine and all, the doctor inform her Alpha that Luna Gulf was okay and his body was shut down due to mental, emotion and physical exhaustion. That night Mew accompany Gulf and never leave his side.

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