Happy Day Ruin

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It was the day of their results, both Kokliang and Gulf was nervous the whole morning as their results will determine whether they will be a certified doctor or they need to repeat their final year another time.

"I hope that our residency program will be the same hospital," said Kokliang as they both walk over to their faculty.

"My boy doesn't want to leave me, aww, that's cute but creepy at the same time," said Gulf jokingly as he laughs at Kokliang who huff at him.

"What creepy?" asked San as he joined them.

"San I suggest you get your man off my dick cause I don't want you to suck on my balls," said Gulf laughing like a maniac as he runs away from both of them.

"You asshole!" said San as he groans at them both.

"Stupid Gulf!" said Kokliang as he wanted to run after Gulf who is miles away from them but halted by his mate.

"Babe, let him be. We can kick his ass later at the packhouse" said San as they both leisurely walk towards their faculty hand-in-hand.

*PING* sound that comes from both of Kokliang and San's phone but they ignore it then the second ping could be heard. A few seconds later another ping coming from their phones.

---- ---- The Message ---- ----

Gulf: San you can murder the 'asshole' next to you *wink* *wink* if you know what I mean, I give you my blessing just for today but you've been doing it until this morning.

Gulf: Yes, Kokliang I know, judging by your walk you are definitely impaled this morning. Or go at it like a crazy sex maniac.

Gulf: Oh San, he's a power bottom I can confirm it for sure as he has that aura of a power bottom. Why not do it at the university toilet for your last day in university present.

Gulf: Not a command but just a suggestion.

---- ---- ---- ----

"Stupid Gulf," said San as he shakes his head and smile at it before he slid the phone back on his pocket.

"That fucker will get murder by me," said Kokliang as his ear is bright red before he quickly closes his phone and keeps it in his pocket.

"It's a good suggestion though but of course only if you are up for it," said San through their mind link in which makes Kokliang's face bright red before he storms away.

"I will kill him," said Kokliang as he runs towards Gulf who wave at them both from afar.

"Congratulation Gulf"

"Congrats Gulf"

"Congratulations Gulf"

"I knew it Gulf you are the smartest, congratulation"

As soon as Gulf walking towards the noticeboard everyone started to congrats him in which makes Gulf's puzzle and smiles while saying thank you to them.

"Where have you been Gulf?" asked Kokliang as he pulls him at the side of the notice board.

"Why? What's wrong? I went to the loo my boy. Mother's nature calling" said Gulf still goofing around.

"Wait, let me see my results," said Gulf as he quickly heads over to the notice board.

"1. Gulf Gulf Kanawut Traipipattanapong" murmur Gulf to himself as he still couldn't believe his eyes.

"Congratulation Gulf," said Kokliang as he pulls a frozen Gulf away from the board.

"Congrats Gulf, not only you have the brilliant mind among us all, but you also are the strongest human being I know," said San as he cracks a little joke.

"Oh wow San, wow. Wait let me, ha ha ha ha" said Gulf who look at San in a boring face in which makes Kokliang laughing like a maniac.

"San, seriously you can't crack a joke. Well sometimes yes but most time no. Sorry mate" said Kokliang as he laughs at San together with Gulf.

"You two are mean no wonder you both are a best friend," said San as he rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"Hey, hey. Who said we are a best friend?" asked Gulf while putting his hands on his hips.

"Yea San who said we are a best friend?" asked Kokliang mimicking Gulf.

"I thought you two are a best friend? Oh, am I wrong? But you two look like one and very close too" said San in confusion.

"Hahahahaha" laugh both Gulf and Kokliang as they both walk away from the confused man who still puzzled.

"Oh my, seriously San really have no idea about us," said Gulf as he put his arms around Kokliang's shoulder.

"He is clueless while everyone knows about it at the first glance" add Kokliang as they both continue walking towards the car park.

"Wow, wow. Wait. Don't tell me you two~" said San as he arrived at his car that parked at the student car park in which both Kokliang and Gulf was leaning.

"What?" asked Kokliang in confusion.

"Yea, what we two?" asked Gulf in confusion too.

"You know, you two, together. Like two-timing me and Mew" said San in a hesitating tone.

"WHAT!" said both Kokliang and Gulf unison.

"Eww, no," said Kokliang as they both look at each other than at San.

"Yea, eww. Fuck no" add Gulf as he looks at San in disgust.

"If I were to two-timing Mew it would have to be a handsome and big build man not a small fry like him," said Gulf as he takes a few steps away from them both.

"Yes he would never be with a fry like you," said an unknown voice coming from Gulf's back who makes him stands still and froze on his spot as soon as he heard his voice.

"Hello my love," said the man again and this time he holds onto Gulf's shoulder trapping him from moving which makes Gulf slightly unconsciously flinch his upper body.

Gulf's foot was rooted on the spot as he forcefully gulps his saliva that feels bitter before looking at both Kokliang and San in a pleading eye as he bodies slightly shake in fear.

Gulf then looks at them both before he moves his mouth saying 'HELP ME'.

As they register the meaning of it all hell break lose.

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