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"See son love is something that you can't control, it comes naturally and definitely by its own. You don't have to force yourself just because you feel like you need to fit into the society" said Alpha Pique as he talks to his son.

Both father-son duos were lounging at the back yard enjoying their father-son bonding as they sip their coffee.

"But pho how did you know that you love mae and you've found the one?" asked Alpha Pique's son.

"That's because your mae and I are mates and I recognise her scent instantly but what I try to imply here is that son, love can be with anyone, different genders, different religions or even between a werewolf and human just like your great-great-grandfathers," said Alpha Pique while explaining to his son.

"Talking about my great-great-grandfather's story to our son babe?" said Luna Pear as she walks over towards them and seat next to her husband.

"Yes my love, he needs some motivation to pursue and listen to his heart you know he's at this hormonal stage" reply Alpha Pique in a joking manner which earns him a warm smile from Pear but a scrawl face from his son.

"Oh my baby boy, don't worry about it even without a partner by your side son we both have decided to hand over the pack to you at your 25th Birthday son and about your love life, please don't overthink it, okay baby boy? We respect your decision on waiting for your fated mate as long as you want," said Luna Pear as she smiles at her son.

"I don't feel, *sigh* I feel like a loser mae, pho. I feel so left out like I'm the only one who's not mated yet and I'm getting older not to mention the pack needed the emotional support on knowing that this pack will have a future alpha that can lead them and our family line will not just end with me. I want a stable relationship too and not to mention what if my mate if male and not female? Won't the other pack mock us? Like for generations, we have a Luna who's a female but what if I was the one who ended the tradition?" said the son of Pique and Pear.

"Baby boy. Did you even listen to the story that I just told you? Did you get the moral of the story?" asked Alpha Pique a little disappointed in his son's thinking.

"I did and yes I understand but pho you need to know that this world has changed and in our household every Luna since Luna Gulf everyone is a female Luna and even before Luna Gulf they're all female," said the son.

"You are almost 25 years old and still having doubts in yourself and your fated mate, boy I hope that you will find your mate exactly like Luna Gulf so you will know what's life really meant either it is a werewolf or a human mate," said Alpha Pique jokingly while Luna Pear laughing at that thought.

"Our household will be chaotic, isn't it mate" murmur Luna Pear while giggling.

"Oh yea baby boy, just follow your guts and your wolf too because you will never know what adventure you will get," said Luna Pear supportively.

Pique and Pear's son look away from his parents and sigh deeply as his mind bring him back to his dreams that lasted for a week in which stopped recently.

"I feel like something in me is lost," said Pique and Pear's son to himself as he stares blankly at the sky.

"What does the dream mean?" whisper Pique and Pear's son silently to himself while his parents look at him puzzled at his attitude but ignore his again deep sigh.

---- ---- ---- ----

"Is everything settle son?" ask Am from the kitchen.

"Yes mae, everything settled and I'll be clocking in by tomorrow afternoon. Now I just need to sleep like a corpse" reply Am's son as he kisses his mother's cheek before he seats down and eat his early dinner.

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