Sexy Time

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(Kinda sucks and not pro at this sex scene)

(I see, I see, my readers are a curious cat aren't you)

If so then let's start

Gulf chuckle lightly as he was light headed at that moment while nuzzling his nose at Mew's neck subconsciously makes him took deep breaths enjoying the close contact while leaving bites and Hickeys. He then runs his fingers through Mew's hair as he unconsciously hummed softly in content while inhaling Mew's masculine scent.

As he continues his action Mew quicken his steps and enters their room while expertly close the door using his legs he then tensed slightly when Gulf dipped his fingers down his nape.

"Bii, if you keep doing that I don't think I can stop myself from harassing you," said Mew lowly waiting for Gulf's approval.

Mew's voice was heavy and strained as his desire has awakened and so does Gulf's as he couldn't help himself from wanting to be touched by his mate. Gulf then pulled Mew to him as he parted his lips and let his tongue slid out to seductively licked them while looking straight at his mate.

Mew growl lowly when he saw Gulf's seductively licking his lips as his bulge visibly hard and very painfully restrained in his jeans that shows just how affected he was with every little thing that his mate does.

Gulf feeling bold at that time as he slid his hands down from his chest to his groin area to cup Mew's hardening erection, making Mew took a sharp intake of air and pulled his hands away. Gulf looked at Mew smiling when he saw the desire burning in Mew's eyes that look just like his.

"Gulf," said Mew through clenched teeth.

With that Gulf closing the distance between them and kiss his mate in a fiery kiss. Mew's hands swiftly and smoothly moved down to cup and squeeze Gulf's ass as his lips devoured Gulf's lips, Mew's wet and wild tongue licks everything within its reach.

Mew's teeth caught Gulf's top lips and nipped it playfully as he moved to Gulf's bottom lips at the same time Gulf can feel that his mate slowly removed his clothes. Gulf was on cloud nine as Mew's lips started to move down to his jaw leave a small bite trail while sucking on his necks stimulate him even further.

Gulf quiver violently when Mew's hand met Gulf's wet entrance as Mew's middle finger was teasingly thrusting playing his hole to stimulate him further. Mew's other hand then take hold on Gulf's dick and slowly move up and down, giving him a lengthy handjob.

The touch and thrusting that come from his finger and hand was shallow and nowhere near satisfy Gulf's need.

Mew then pulled back from Gulf's neck slowly as he looked at him while pull out his other hands leaving his right hand still playing with his dick in a teasing manner.

His eyes concentrating on Gulf's eyes while Mew's hand started to move in a slow rhythm as his hands slowly move away from him and dick and enter his hole. Gulf's body shuddered violently when Mew trusting started to quicken it's pace as his finger now knuckle deep.

Gulf was almost at his climax then all of the sudden Mew pulls his finger out leaving him hot and bother then Mew tore his shirt before starting to kiss his mate and pleasure him again.

The hand between Gulf's legs slowly and steady move up little by little making him open up his legs wider at the action before he could brace himself as Mew suddenly add another finger as he finger fuck him.

"Fuck" groan Gulf in bliss as his body arched up slightly, making Mew moved his lips to Gulf's shoulders blade kissing and sucking then moved up to his neck.

Gulf was panting hard, moaning and whimpering with every hot touch that was bestowed upon him by his unmerciful mate.

A shot of electric run through Gulf's body when Mew started to quicken his pace then to a slow rhythm then back to a faster motion both in front and at the back making Gulf buck wildly and release his string of cum.

Mew's painfully hard erection was remained untouched by him nor his mate as his main focus was to please his mate first.

Mew then slowly and carefully turn Gulf's body around with his face at their silk bed sheet while his mate securely wraps his arms from behind.

"Oh, Mew!" yell Gulf as Mew buried his fingers so deep and immediately thrusting inside without any warning.

Mew groaned as he leaned forward, his teeth attack Gulf's neck in an attempt to hold back as he slowly humping against Gulf's lower back which drives Gulf even crazy and moaning in desire.

"Oh, Gulf. Sweet mother of my children. Fuck why are you so fucking hot" said Mew lowly right next to his mate's ear.

A powerful moan escapes Gulf's lips as Mew's finger turn from two to three then to the fourth finger as they stretching the walls as far apart as they could go.

"Fuck Mew," said Gulf as he moans deliciously.

Gulf yelped by surprise as Tharn come to play as he increases his speed in and out from Gulf as he humped him from behind at the same time.

"I will fuck you my mate, Hard and all night long" whisper Tharn next to his mate's ear.

In which makes Gulf shiver while he cums onto Tharn's hand. Tharn slowly slips his finger out of Gulf as he turns around and looks at Tharn black eye trying to calm himself down but before he could take a breather Tharn took the initiative to spread Gulf's legs apart, slowly, Tharn slipped inside of Gulf as he could only part his lips in a pleasure silent scream.

Gulf was attacked by an inconsistent rhythm as his mate goes slow and fast the next second. Gulf's breathing momentarily stopped when he felt the familiar head of Tharn's cock slide all the way to his prostrate.

"Oh, God. Oh, God. Tharn! Fuck. Why the fuck is your dick getting bigger" groaned Gulf as he feels stretch out to the max and very full.

Tharn chuckled at Gulf as he slowly slid halfway into him at a slow pace then out, teasing him as he once again getting horny. Tharn then slid inside of Gulf before pulling back out till the tips then slam back inside as his body shakes with desire.

Tharn couldn't help himself as he groaned out in pleasure when Gulf tighten around his cock as he tried to slip out from him so he traps him in using his leg to push him in. As Tharn pumping in and out of his mate in his unpredictable rhythm, Gulf knows that her mate is near to ejaculate.

"Urghhh, fuck. I'm going to cum. Bii I'm going to cu-aah!" Tharn's body hovers on top of Gulf as he bites down his neck and leaves his mark at the same time his hot cum pour inside Gulf's body.

Gulf quivered violently as he feels intense pleasure from the bite and from his mate who continued to shoot inside of him that seems never-ending as Tharn's body still pumping his hot semen.

With much effort and coax from Tharn, Gulf gives in and decided to listen to his mate by lazily walk over to the bathroom and get himself clean.

Both Mew and Gulf taking shower that accompany with another hot and steamy around inside the bathroom before finally they get out and change into their sleeping pyjamas But before both get their much-needed sleep their desire to have sex isn't dialled down as their horniness is at full swing.

As the full moon was high at the sky so does their need for each other so they both had it like a couple of bunny in heat as every flat surface is for them to take before they both satisfy their need and get much-needed sleep.

Before Gulf went to his dreamland he overheard Mew whisper 'I love you my mate' to him in a sweet tone while caress and kiss his forehead making Gulf smiles and hug Mew tightly while snuggle closer before falling asleep.

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