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Few minutes after that they've arrived at Gulf's house and Mew parked right in front of the car porch.

"Is this where you live?" asked Kokliang as he looked at the house.

"Nope, this house belongs to my sugar parents that need a son like me to spoiled. Let's go in guys" said Gulf in a mocking manner.

"Ha ha ha ha, very funny," said Kokliang as he exits the car.

"Of course it's my parents' house where I live dumbo," said Gulf laughing as he walked towards the door.

"MEA, I'M HOME" scream Gulf in a fake British voice.

"I can hear you silly, I'm not deaf," said Ampha as she comes over to greet Gulf.

"Surprise Mae, I made friends," said Gulf in a funny way.

"Pfft, did you force them to be your friend Gulf?" said Ampha in a mocking manner.

"Mae..., I never do that. I just lure them using my charm" said Gulf jokingly as he moves inside the house.

"Oh my what a handsome young lad. Please come in you two" said Ampha.

'Damn it mae, why bring them inside. They are so nosy and over the place' said Gulf to himself as he clicks his tongue.

Ampha and Mew instantly become the best bud as Kokliang listens to them both talking while Gulf busy at the kitchen to eat cookies that his mother baked before he goes up to his room.

"I'M HOME!" scream Thanayong in his fake Scottish accent.

"God! We all can hear you and we are not deaf" said Ampha looking disbelief.

"Nice one pho and welcome home," said Gulf in his fake British accent while greeting his stepfather.

"Likewise my son" reply Thanayong in his fake Scottish accent.

"You two are unbelievable," said Ampha as she walked towards the kitchen and pour some water for the guest.

"Do we have guest over?" asked Thanayong.

"My friends' pho" reply Gulf as he walked up the staircase.

"Don't lie to your new friends Gulf?" said Thanayong in a joking manner.

"Silly family" reply Gulf as he walked up to his room and he heard Kokliang footsteps follow him into his room.

Gulf walked inside his room, putting his bag at the study table before he jumped onto his bed while Kokliang giggles at him.

"What's so funny Kokliang?" asked Gulf as he looked at Kokliang who take a seat at the study table's chair.

"I'm laughing at you silly, apparently you are my big brother's mate," said Kokliang as he laughs his ass off.

"I wish you the best!" add Kokliang as he continues laughing.

"Shea, and he didn't even bother to tell me?! Well, if you excuse me for a minute" said Gulf as he goes downstairs towards the living room.

Gulf glare at Mew as he noticed Gulf walking towards them and he looked at Gulf with a confused face.

"Mae, Pho we need to move, far, far away from here and most importantly from him" yelled Gulf as he point towards Mew being overdramatic.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Thanayong puzzled.

Gulf just growls and huff then he yells "Jerk" at Mew after that Gulf turn around and march up to his room but was quickly being carry over the shoulder by Mew.

Mew throw Gulf on his bed as Kokliang smoothly exited the room while shutting the door behind him leaving Mew and Gulf alone.

Mew was standing beside the bed and Gulf quickly gets up adjust his positing as he seat at the end of the bed with his hand fold together.

"What do you want jerk?" ask Gulf as he turns a little and gives his side to Mew.

Mew walk a few steps and seat next to Gulf while pulling him softly towards him so he can see Gulf better and face to face.

"Yes I'm your mate and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier," said Mew as Gulf sigh thinking that he is being overdramatic.

"Whatever" mumble Gulf.

The next thing he knows is that he was being pinned by Mew laying down on the bed while Mew hovers above him and his eyes were pitch black not liking Gulf's attitude.

"Do not disrespect us bii" said Mew in his powerful and much deeper voice making Gulf let out a whimper while he squirming underneath him.

"Let me go asshole," said Gulf squirming.

Gulf was squirming around while tilting his head on the side as he felt Mew growl lowly liking his view.

Gulf unconsciously tilting his head and didn't know that by doing so it is actually an act of submissive towards a dominant wolf.

Suddenly Gulf felt a bite that lightly pierces into his neck that makes him let out a yelp.

"What the fuck?!" yell Gulf as he pushes and kick Mew with all his strength that didn't do much but manage to keep some distance between them.

"Show some respect bii" warn Mew as he licks Gulf's neck which sent shivers down to Gulf's spine and earning a smirk from Mew's wolf.

After that action, Mew's eyes turn back to brown colour and Mew whispering curses words as the wound heal up.

"Fucking hell Tharn!" yell Mew as Gulf looked at him like he's crazy.

"Sorry bii, my wolf lost control and bite you," said Mew as Gulf sigh.

"It's okay I guess but one thing for sure I'm not having sex, not until I'm graduate and I got my dream job in hand, got it?!" said Gulf.

"Anything you want my love, anything" said Mew.

Mew hugged Gulf tightly while taking a sniff on his neck before pulled away as he grabs Gulf's face smiling softly.

Then he presses his lips to Gulf's lips slowly they both deepens the kiss while Mew slides his tongue inside Gulf's mouth dominate the kiss as Gulf moan.

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