Peeking Junior

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"Come to bed Mew," said Gulf as he rubbed his eyes for the nth time and yawning cutely like a cat.

Mew walked towards Gulf smiling at his mate and place his manly big vainly hands gently on Gulf's hips urging him to walk forward.

"Let's get you in bed shall we before you collapse and sleep here" said Mew as he gently push Gulf.

Gulf and Mew walked towards their bedroom silently without any exchange words in between due to Gulf semi-sleep walk style.

Upon arrived at their bedroom Gulf quickly climb on top of their bed and make himself comfortable while Mew smiles at his action standing beside the bed.

"Tua-eng, I'll take shower now. After that I'll come to bed okay" said Mew as he tugged Gulf who's nodding his head slightly before snoozing away.

After tugged Gulf in and kiss his forehead Mew head over to his walk in closet, taking his clothes with him to the en suite bathroom.

The hot water felt amazing to his skin as it's relaxing his pumped muscles from the morning training he then proceed to wash his hair.

About 10 minutes later he was out fresh, wearing nothing but just his boxer and hair fully dried

He then quickly snuggled with Gulf trying to do the big spoon but in the end he was being hugged by Gulf like a mother hugging their baby while sleeping position.

His head was on Gulf's arms and slightly towards his chest while being wrapped by Gulf's other hands.

Their legs were tangled together in a comfortable manner making Mew smiles and take this action on it's advantage.

Mew leave a small hickey on Gulf's collar bone while leaving his scent all over him as he take a few deep breath from Gulf's delicious neck.

"Fuck me! He offered his neck for us to bite or something?!" asked Tharn as he growl at Gulf's unintentional action.

"Stupid Tharn! Don't think of that you asshole!" scolded Mew thru their mindlinked.

"Hahahaha, you are weak! You got hard just by thinking of that" said Tharn laughing hysterically through their mindlinked making Mew growl lowly.

As soon as Mew growl lowly Gulf shifted his position from being all snugly mummy bear to a cold shoulder kid.

He unconsciously turn his whole body in a cooked shrimp making Mew sigh a lost sigh.

Mew then proceed on hugging him from behind in a big spoon action but was getting access denied by Gulf as he move from a cooked shrimp to a over-cooked shrimp.

"Oh Goddess! I sway if Gulf didn't let me hug him while we are sleeping I might murder Tharn for being an ass" said Mew through their mindlinked wanting Tharn to hear his inner thought.

"You fucker! I heard that" said Tharn as he trying to past through and gain control of their body.

"Good! Cause you need to hear that you horny bastard" growl Mew lowly to Tharn.

"Hey! Don't forget I'm you and you are me so if you accuse me of being horny then you're accuse yourself for being horny" said Tharn in a 'take that you bitch' tone.

"Seriously sometimes you sound..." said Mew halfway as he tries to calm himself down.

"I know I sound brilliant, just brilliant" reply Tharn smugly smirking knowing exactly that's not what Mew meant.

"You sound stupid! Twisting and turning but still end up sound stupid" said Mew in a annoyed tone just wanting to slapped Tharn.

Mew unconsciously growl lowly mixing with Tharn making it a enchantingly sound that directed to his mate who happen to be sleeping like a kid next to him.

"Shit!" said both Mew and Tharn as they notice something is rubbing onto their nong.

Gulf's butt unconsciously rubbing onto Mew's dick with a slow and seductive action waking his junior up.

As soon as Mew trying to move searching friction from Gulf's ass, Gulf quickly stopped his action and rolled his body towards at the end of the bed while he continue to sleeping away.

Mew sigh and take a deep breath before exhale to calm himself down before he pull his mate back to his embrace.

Meanwhile upon hearing Mew's heavy exhale Gulf slightly smirk and smile at his action on torturing his mate by rubbing his ass directly at his junior just because he disturbed his sleeping by growling lowly and sound manly.

This all happen upon hearing the second growl making Gulf couldn't help but to feel slightly arouse so he did what's best for the situation which is to arouse his mate too in order to cover his own arouse.

Little did he know Mew was having battle with Tharn as he sent over 21+ flashes onto their mind by the ever horny Tharn who's smiling and growling like crazy.

But before any hard object get up greeting its master Mew quickly shut his mindlinked with Tharn who's smirking and licking his mouth enjoying the images.

Mew then sleep facing upwards while forcing himself to calm down and eventually both mates fall asleep while concentrating on not wanting their junior to get up at that early in the morning.

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