Wake Up Call

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The very next morning Gulf felt heavy and hot at the same time in which making him involuntarily groans at the discomfort.

"The hell am I pinned down like this?" asked Gulf to himself as he mumbles while looking at their sleeping position.

He then tried to wake up fully but was pinned down by Mew who's laying slightly on top of him trapping Gulf.

Gulf then tried to move Mew's hand and leg away from his chest and torso in which he almost succeeds.

"Mew, mew wake up," said Gulf as he gives up his intention on doing it without calling Mew up.

"Mew~ wake up. Oh, my Goddess, or any deity out there please make this mate of mine move" add Gulf while shaking Mew's body.

Involuntarily Mew turns his body away from Gulf making him quickly roll out from the bed and thanks to the heavens for listening to his silent request.

Before Gulf could go to the toilet to relieve himself he heard a knock on the door in which makes him involuntarily jumped a little while looking at the door.

Then another set of knocking and this time around Gulf look at Mew who's sleeping like a log.

"Thank the goddess he's sleeping like a log" murmur Gulf as he head over to the door and open it.

"Morning Gulf," said Kokliang smiling happily as if Christmas is near.

"You deliberately knock many times just to get on your brother's nerve aren't you," said Gulf as he narrows his eyes while looking at Kokliang who's smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"Hehehe, it's fun to disturb him when he's vulnerable like right now," said Kokliang while still giggling.

"Stop that and don't do that to my mate you evil boy," said Gulf in a playful manner as if he's scolding a small kid.

"Hehehe, okay, okay, I will. Anyway I'm here to tell you that we need to call him up so he can send us" said Kokliang.

"You really forget that we have class today aren't you" add Kokliang as he narrows his eyes and pointed at Gulf.

"Oh shit! I forget and give me like 5-10 minute to change and then you can call him" said Gulf as turn around while closing the door.

10 minutes later, Kokliang was at the door diligently and on time as he knocks the door alerting Gulf who's currently packing his notes neatly inside his backpack.

"Aren't you on time" mocking Gulf as he opens the door smirking at Kokliang who's smiling like a maniac.

"For this thing, of course, I'll always be on time" reply Kokliang.

"He's still asleep so luck is on your side," said Gulf as he opens the door widely for Kokliang to look at Mew who's snoozing away.

"Excellent! This is the perfect time to call him up. Would you do the honour?" asked Kokliang playfully looking at Gulf.

"Oh, my kind Sir, that will my pleasure to do it," said Gulf as he matches his tone with Kokliang.

"If you could stand by at the door few meters away from the scene that would be great for us not bumping into each other as we run away later" add Gulf as he points at the distance they should be standing.

"Okay no problem Sir, I'll be standing here waiting for you my kind Sir" reply Kokliang as he moves few inches away from the door.

Gulf then smiles mischievously at Kokliang not to forget winked at him before he turns around and initiates their plan.

"MEW! HELP!" scream Gulf bloodily while Kokliang chuckle.

"I'm here, Who the fuck hurt you" scream Mew as he abruptly wakes up almost fall out from the bed while looking at Gulf who's smiling at Mew while holding his laughter.

"Oh fuck!" curse Kokliang as Mew get up from the bed.

"Gulf! Kokliang!" said Mew in angry-playful tone while glaring at them with his black eyes.

"Oh, Shit," said Gulf as he backing off from Mew.

Both Kokliang and Gulf back away as they train their eyes towards Mew who's smirking as if its prey is in front of him.

"RUNNN" scream Gulf as he takes off with Gulf in tow.

A few seconds later both Kokliang and Gulf heard Tharn growl as if they were near them so they both run quicker as quick as their feet can run.

They both pass Kaownah who happen to be peeping from the other room curiously looking at what happens.

Soon enough both Gulf and Kokliang were almost out from the back door Kaownah begins to chase them together with Mew.

So thus began the 4 grown-up men chasing like 4 years old babies around the house before exiting the packhouse.

Meanwhile, the pack members that were present at the scene, they were all smiling while shaking their heads.

Morning run with full speed while Gulf is quietly hidden at the kitchen counter while the duo keeps chasing after Kokliang who's heading towards the jungle.

"Oh morning Luna, sorry I didn't see you there," said one of the pack members who just entered the kitchen.

"Morning, no worries" reply Gulf as he still hiding at his hiding place.

"Luna do you want to join the other pack members for breakfast?" asked another pack member as she smiles sweetly at Gulf.

"There's no need for that," said Gulf as he stands up, dusting his butt and knee.

He then dusts out his butt and knee then proceed onto grabbing some toast that was made by the pack members before he grabs the disposal travel cup pour a hot coffee in it and walk away.

Gulf then grabs his abandon backpack that was lying down in the middle of the hall and grab random car keys before he head over to the car porch unlock one of the cars then hop in and zoom out from the packhouse as he head over to the university.

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