Get Ready

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It was Friday afternoon, Gulf went by doing his daily routine before bugging his mate who was busy at his office doing pack stuff.

Gulf walks into the office seat at the sofa and watches as Mew went through the stacks of paperwork.

'Why does he look hot as fuck? I mean it's just paperwork can he stop being handsome?' said Gulf to himself as he looks at Mew.

"You know Gulf the longer you look at me like that I might have a hole on my forehead," said Mew smirking as he continues to read through the paperwork.

"I wasn't looking at you, I was thinking about the paperwork," said Gulf as he rolls his eyes.

"Oh really?!" said Mew as he looks at his mate while raising his left eyebrow.

"Yes, really and continue with your work don't be lazying around dodging your work by talking and look at me" scold a playful Gulf, making Mew shakes his head and continue doing his paperwork.

'Seriously! How can't he be this handsome? Gosh, I feel like straddle him right now but better save my virgin ass for that on other time' said Gulf again as he looks at Mew while he licks his lips unconsciously.

Mew then suddenly stop writing, he then put the pen that he was holding and look up at Gulf.

"What now Gulf?" asked Mew slightly inpatient and glare at Gulf because he was distracting him doing his work.

Gulf then looks at him with a left eyebrow as he tilted his head from left to right side while smirking.

'Look at him, trying to be mad but actually liking the attention that I was giving, what a sly wolf' said Gulf to himself as he studied Mew's face.

"Nothing Mew, really. I was looking at your stack of book that neatly arranges and it's so sexy, like Chocolate sexy, sexy. Gosh just thinking about a man who reads make my heart tingle" said Gulf as he feels himself slightly up as Mew trying his hardest not to burst out laughing at Gulf.

"What a weird mate I have," said Mew as he continues to signing and read the papers that he was previously read.

"Oh, yea Mew, where's Kokliang?" asked Gulf as he looks at his phone.

"Don't really know and don't really care" reply Mew as he continues doing his paperwork.

"Okay then, I'll go hunt that boy and you have fun doing your boring stuff," said Gulf as he bolted out from the room.

Gulf out from the office and went searching Kokliang everywhere and couldn't find him so he went and asked from the other pack members about his location. He then walks to the backyard and seat beside him.

"Oh my Kokliang my boy are you that old until you need some time alone here like an old person enjoying the view?" asked Gulf playfully while making a sad face.

"Weirdo," said Kokliang as he ignores Gulf.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself?" asked Gulf.

"I have a date later on in which I don't know if I should go or no because I'm scared," said Kokliang as he exhales a heavy breath.

"Hey don't be scared okay, if you want I can accompany you?" said Gulf.

"No, there's no need. I just don't want to ruin this date. I'm scared that I would ruin this date. Urghhh I don't know what am I even thinking or say" scream Kokliang as he messily ruffles his head.

"You know what you need right now is a warm bubble bath to calm yourself down and get a bomb ass stylish outfit for tonight dates. Now let's go!" said Gulf as he pulls Kokliang towards his room.

Upon reaching his room Gulf quickly went into the bathroom and get the bathtub ready and push Kokliang inside to get into the bathtub and relax while he went into his closet and get his attire ready.

"Kokliang my boy, I'll come back in 15 minutes okay I just need to run some errand now," said Gulf before he exits the room and head over to Mew's home office.

Upon reaching to the home office, Mew was nowhere to be seen so Gulf went to their bedroom and still no Mew around so he decided to text him and head over to Kokliang's room to get him ready for his date.

"Are you done in there Kokliang?" ask Gulf as he knocks three times.

"Almost done just give me few minutes" reply Kokliang.

"Do you know where is your brother? Cause I couldn't find him everywhere?" asked Gulf.

"He went to help some pack. Is this the outfit that I need to wear" said Kokliang as he tries his best to dodge Gulf's question.

"When? Why he didn't tell me about it?" asked Gulf as he hands over the outfit to Kokliang.

"Just now when you talk to me and it's not a big deal, don't worry much okay Gulf," said Kokliang in which make him worry but he let it slide for now.

"Okay, whatever," said Gulf as he nods his head.

After their mini fashion show inside the room, Kokliang was perfect to head out to his dinner date but before Gulf let him go he keeps on pasturing him about his date in which make his jaw dropped in shocked and vice versa.

"He's my date," said Kokliang as he introduces San who walks over to them.

"San? Seriously San?!" asked Gulf as he was in shock.

"Yes, San" reply San as he grins at Gulf who rolls his eyes at him.

"I was expecting this to be like earlier than this but wow San!" said Gulf as he claps his hand while laughing at them both.

"When his brother isn't around you dare to bring his baby brother out, wow San wow" add Gulf again as he mocking them both but when reality kicks in Gulf's facial expression change.

"Wait so does it meant that Mew will not come back tonight?" asked Gulf as he looks dead at Kokliang not playing around.

"Haha, haha, look at the time we will be late. Come let's go San, bye Gulf" said Kokliang again avoiding Gulf but he wasn't having any of it as he gets a hold of Kokliang.

"You tell me now and tell me the full detail where did Mew go and if you lie I'll know so pick your word carefully," said Gulf in a stern tone like a mama bear in which makes Kokliang slightly scared.

"He went to help the Plan Clan, his ex. The reason why he didn't want to tell you is that he might have to stay more than a day to help her out" said Kokliang truthfully in which earns him a single nod from Gulf.

Kokliang then gulped at Gulf unreadable facial expression as he looks at San for help but both of them are powerless in front of Gulf so they remain quiet and rooted in front of him not daring to speak up.

"Okay then, it's okay no worries. You two mates enjoy your date and Kokliang don't come back home by the end of the night in which come back home before 12 am plus you better don't have any mark on your neck or I might break San's neck for doing that" smile Gulf as innocent as he can.

"Ok-okay Gulf," said both Kokliang and San as they both look at each other before at Gulf who smiles at them lovingly.

They both hop into San's car and drove away from the scene leaving a non-stable emotion Gulf who went into the packhouse silently head over towards Mew's bedroom.

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