Unintentionally avoiding Mew

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"My boy, how's class?" ask Gulf as soon as he spotted Kokliang exited their classroom while holding his backpack.

Gulf walked towards Kokliang and grabbed his backpack while saying thank you to him.

"Shitty Gulf you should have listen to me just now instead of glaring at your dick" said an annoyed Kokliang.

"Geez Kokliang, what's wrong with you? Anyway do we have homework? What did the professor aunty teach?" ask Gulf.

"Lucky for you we don't have any homework but we do have quiz tomorrow so study what we have learn until now and don't glare at your dick again. You look stupid" said Kokliang.

"Okay then study all basically" said Gulf jokingly.

"Okay, that's my que. Got to go now since I need to study for tomorrow quiz and my ride is here so bye, see you tomorrow my boy" said Gulf as he waved at Kokliang without wasting any second.

"Swatdee pho" waied Gulf as soon as he enters the car.

"How's class today?" asked Thanayong.

"Okay I guess, just need to get back home and study for tomorrow's quiz and I'm dead tired" reply Gulf.

-4 days later-

"Okay class I got your marks here for the 2 day quizzes and I'm disappointed with certain of you. I expected everyone to get above 80% but some of you prove that I'm still lacking in pushing you to be a bright future doctors but don't worry I'll increase your workload and by the end of this semester you'll master this subject" said professor aunty.

"Geez, at least no one dies from her back to back quizzes with lack of sleep. What an embarrassing way to die" whisper Gulf to Kokliang.

"Gulf, shut up before we both get kick out from her class" whisper Kokliang back.

"Geez, someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed" whisper Gulf making Kokliang nudge his side.

"Okay, here is your marks. Look at it and if there's any doubt or unsatisfactory about your marks don't forget to tell or asked me about it" said Professor Aunty.

"Pass this paper around, looked at it and pass it back to me. Don't be too happy because of your quiz's marks, it's not the full marks, this marks are just there to help you in the final exam so study smart don't play around anymore" add Professor Aunty.

"Okay madam" said the whole class.

Right before the class ended Professor Aunty told the whole class that starting next week, the whole week will be their quiz and pop quiz on the spot which will contribute to their marks on their final exam.

"She really wants to kill us isn't she" whisper Gulf to Kokliang.

"Now I think she's overboard with her class. Like this is too much. I'm dead tired and my brain is a fish brain it ain't gonna hold that much of information" whisper Kokliang back as he makes an annoyed face.

"Now you feel me man. That's how I feel only with this subject. We have labs, quiz etc from other subjects too" said Gulf.

"Final year and it's like it's our final year on Earth" add Gulf while sigh earning an agreeing nod from Kokliang.

-After class-

"He'll be here any minute now" said Kokliang.

"No thanks my dad is here so see you later okay" said Gulf as he spotted Thanayong's car.


"Bye my boy" said Gulf as he hops into the car.

"Pho, later please don't knock on my door until dinner time. I need to focus on my study" asked Gulf.

"Baby boy, I know what are you doing right now" said Thanayong.

"What? I did what?" said Gulf as he looked out at the window.

"Can you stop running away and avoid your mate? Cause he called your mae and asked about you"

"I was studying pho and he constantly call and message me, it's so annoying plus our professor aunty is killing us with the quizzes and all, he should know this tho cause his brother is in the same class with me" said Gulf stated the facts.

"I understand you but try not to avoid him okay" said Thanayong in a soft voice.

"I'm not avoiding him pho" reply Gulf trying to defense himself.

"If you say so son" said Thanayong doesn't want to push Gulf.

Gulf just exhale a long breath that he had held in and close his eyes wanting some peace before they reach home.

"Mae/ Honey, we're home" said Gulf and Thanayong simultaneously.

"Welcome home you two" greet Ampha.

"Baby boy, your mate call again and asked about you" said Ampha.

"Okay mae, I'll call him later after I freshen up" reply Gulf.

Gulf walked up to his room and straight to shower without wasting any minute. The moment he sits down on his study table his phone ringing.

"Hello" said Gulf in a tired voice.

"Why aren't you picking up your phone this past few days? Are you avoiding me?" asked Mew with a tired voice.

"No, I'm not. I was busy with my study and all. Anyway I need to go now. Bye" said Gulf as he quickly hangs up without waiting for Mew's respond.

Gulf was feeling apologetic to Mew as he was intentionally and unintentionally avoiding Mew.

He intentionally avoids Mew because he need to stay focus on his study without distraction and Mew is a distraction even without physically there.

Not knowing that by avoiding Mew both of them will get tired and eventually fall sick from the longing sickness between mates.

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